Chapter 2

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Happily Gunshot After - Divergent


It's from Max? I look at Tobias and see him already looking at me. Why would the director be here? I just stand up and walk upstairs. I see Will, Zeke, Uriah and Tobias coming in after me. Al sits at his desk, not saying anything, staring into space. Max stands in front of us, his features rigid, like they could explode at anytime.

"Empty Quiver everyone" Max says. Empty Quiver is a pentagon term, it means the theft of a functioning nuclear weapon. Shit. Someone stole a bomb? "What?" Uriah asks. I see that everyone else is just as confused as Uriah. Maybe I'm the only one that knows. "Empty Quiver is a pentagon term, it refers to the theft of a functioning nuclear weapon" I tell them. Max nods his head.

They looked shocked that I know that. "Who stole it?" I ask. Suddenly a video comes up on screen. I watch the video, the bomb was being transported by an unmarked truck, armed with special forces personnel. There's 10 guys max. Wearing hockey masks and carrying assault rifles, and using them effectively. Pros.

I look towards the boys when the video finishes. I find them already looking at me. "Pros" I say. They just nod. "So what do we have on them?" I ask. "Nothing. Only a car that they left behind" he says. "Well. We better get out there" I say towards the boys. They nod. "Location has been uploaded to your cell phones" Al says while we walk out. "Ok. So these guys are pros. But everyone slips up. We start at the car and see where it leads.
Ok?" I say.

They all nod. Tobias and I head off in the Audi while Zeke and Uriah head off in Uriah's mustang. We arrive where the area the car is said to be. We jump out of the car with our guns raised. I signal for Zeke and Uriah to circle the van, I take the back and ever so slowly open it. Nothing. The boys open the doors to the drivers and passengers seats and get nothing. I take out my gloves and start looking around.

They are pros but everyone always slips up. They are nervous, they just stole a nuclear weapon, they would have stuffed up. I search the back when I hear, "found something".


Sorry these chapters are a bit shorter then others in the first story.


What do they find?

Sorry I'm torturing you

Bye now. Going to do another chapter on Divergent High then one on a story I haven't released yet.

Happily Gunshot After - DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now