The Beach

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Jacob decided to take all of the peculiars to a beach for a nice weekend trip. Everyone was excited to have a nice break from the normal and enjoy themselves. There was an excited chatter, and Jake could only pick up a few things that were said.
"Where's the sunscreen, I don't want to burn!"
"Millard, does the sun even effect you?"
"But Miss Peregrine! I want to swim!"
"Olive, if you step in the water too deep, your shoes will weigh you to the bottom of the ocean."
"But I'll only wade!"
"Do I have to go?"
"Can I bring my homunculi?"
"Only if they won't disturb anyone."
"Fine. I'll go."
"Where is my swimwear? Oh."
"Ok, get in the automobile, time to go."
All of the 'clan' got into the cars and headed off.

When they arrived, everyone scattered to do as they pleased. Olive and Claire made sandcastles, Enoch stayed under an umbrella and played with his homunculi. Hugh and Fiona stood at the edge of the water,letting the water reach their toes. They didn't seem to notice the seaweed gathering near their feet.  Millard, Jake, Emma, and Bronwyn splashed around in the water, riding waves, trying not to lose Millard. Horace didn't seem interested in anything other than modeling his swimwear, but he eventually gave in to the water and had fun. Enoch sat and scowled about how sandy his homunculi got.  Miss Peregrine watched them, smiling.
"Hey! What's that?!"
"What is it, Wyn?"
Bronwyn held up an enormous dead horseshoe crab. It was lying in the sand. "Hey, Enoch! You want this?" Emma shouted. Enoch looked up. His day was immediately better.
"I didn't know how many dead things were in the ocean!" Enoch quietly exclaimed. He had new toys now, so he set aside his sandy, mushy homunculi and gathered his new sea organisms. Everyone continued to have fun until the sun was almost setting. Everyone dried off and sat on the sand, looking at the beautiful sight. Well, everyone except Enoch. He was having a mini sea battle. Everyone was settled down, this was indeed an amazing day.

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