Who's Jealous of You

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Harry: You are a muggle-born Gryffindor, same year as him

Since Harry is famous for being the Boy-Who-Lived, a lot of girls are jealous of you, but Ginny Weasley considers you a personal threat.

Neville: You are a pure-blood Hufflepuff, two years older

You know for a fact that Hannah Abbott, your cousin's best friend, from your house hates your guts and wants to be Neville's girlfriend. Luna's a little jealous of you as well, but she sees how happy you two are and leaves you be.

Draco: You are a pure-blood Slytherin, one year younger

Pansy fucking Parkinson. And Daphne Greengrass too. It annoys you greatly that Parkinson still flirts with your boyfriend even when he's in a relationship. The girl just can't get a hint.

Cedric: You are a muggle-born Gryffindor, one year younger

Cho Chang is furious at you because Cedric loves you more than he ever loved her. She curses your existence everytime she wakes up in the morning.

Blaise: You are a pure-blood Hufflepuff, same year as him

Millicent Bullstrode (?) from Slytherin, she has this big crush on your Italian Teddy Bear but since she considers you a friend, she doesn't do much about it.

Fred: You are a half-blood Ravenclaw, one year older

You get very easily irritated when you catch Angelina Johnson ogling your boyfriend. Which means you are pissed off almost everyday.

Sirius: You are a pure-blood Slytherin, same year as him

Even though he may think the opposite, there are not a lot of girls jealous of you. Sirius had a lot of flings but most of them were no strings attached for the female counterparts as well. There are only some girls who hate you 'cause they have feelings for him.

Remus: You are a muggle-born Hufflepuff, three years younger

Remus doesn't get a lot of attention from the females, especially since he's more worried about studying than going out with girls. But you know there's this one, Kylie Barnes (my OC), from Gryffindor that was interested in him.

Severus: You are a half-blood Slytherin, two years older

Let's face it, no one was jealous of you. Except maybe Lily Evans because you were older and more beautiful than her, probably more clever too.

Tom: You are a pure-blood Ravenclaw, same year as him

Every. Single. Girl. In. The. Freaking. School. No matter how frightening Tom was or how many rumors there were about him being a killer, everyone, boys and girls alike, had had a crush on him at some point of their school years. You were their jealousy target.

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