"W... What is this?!"

"As I have told you, wind is useless in space. Now surrender or I'll force more gravity upon you."

"Y... You wouldn't dare..." she noticed he slightly released his grip on his sword, as the sword dropped, gravity increased along with it. "F... Fine! I yield."

He sheathed his sword, releasing the gravity off of her.

"Gale, are you ok?" Shibaki ran to her side.

"I... apologize Master for being so weak." she stared at the ground in shame.

"No, it's alright. You don't have to apologize."

"I advise we should leave, Master. I will open a portal to your home." Asa's Guardian approached her.

"Um, okay... don't know what you're talking about, but I agree." she accepted her Guardian's offer.

"Hold on!" everybody turned around to face Shibaki. "My Guardian may have surrender, but I have not! Face me now, Asa Mikami!"

"It would be wise not to, miss. The battle has been decided." Asa's Guardian said to her.

"I refuse to accept defeat!"

"I never said we won. Truth be told, there are no winners here. I have saved my master from your selfish needs, that is all. If you wish to continue this duel, then perhaps another time if she permits so. Until then, I look forward to our next battle." he pulled his arm out, opening a portal in front of him.

"D... Damn..." Shibaki gritted her teeth in anger. She hated that she wasn't available to continue.

"Shibaki..." Asa, Grant, and Lola begun to walk to the portal.

In a sudden burst of rage, Shibaki charged at them. Without even turning around, Asa created an ice spike from the ground. She stepped back, evading the spike, though she fell to her back. Asa then broke the ice, turning into the snow. Sending her energy to the snow, she froze it once again, freezing it over Shibaki's body and trapping her underneath a field of ice.

"Let's go." she entered the portal.

The four walked through the portal, leaving Gale and the trapped Shibaki alone.

About a minute later, they arrived at the Mikami household. They were surprised how quick the transportation was.

"W... Wow... that was damn quick. I don't even fully remember that travel in that portal." Grant said.

"So, how do you..." Asa asked her Guardian, but noticed he was no longer there.

"He's gone?!"

"No, duh. A Guardian can't be out long without a name. I'm surprised he was out for that long though. He must be really powerful." Lola said.

"I still can't believe he's my Guardian. That was incredible what he did." Asa thought about the battle.

Back at the previously fought battlefield, Gale struck repeatedly at the ice, hoping to free her master.

"Do not worry, master. I shall break you free from your prison." she said. She looked at Shibaki, noticing she was staring at the sky. The expression on her face wasn't anger or sadness. It was blank expression, a simple blank expression. In her mind, she wasn't thinking about how much she hated losing to them. She was thinking back into her past.

A few years back at the Shibaki house, a young Shibaki cried into her pillow.

"Now, now. I'm sure he didn't mean to do it. It was probably just an accident." a woman tried to calm her.

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