Mori x Male Reader: Bully

Start from the beginning

"Half past twelve." He called, watching me run off down the road.

"I'll be there! I always am!" I shouted.


"Good morning, (M/N)."

"Good morning, (M/N)."

"Good morning, (M/N)."

Every girl in the school seemed to be like a broken radio. It was a bit of a shame I didn't swing that way, though. Then again, who would want to go out with a honeydew melon?

I had managed to cover my face up with make up this morning, but you could still see a few cuts on my lip. My older sister, Victoria, freaked out when I came to her all battered and bruised last night. I had washed all of the blood away, and I had managed to stop my mouth and nose from bleeding, but there were still huge purple and black splodges all over my face. All the make up she put on my lips to cover the cuts just got swallowed and digested, and only a little bit of the cherry lipstick remained to try and give my lips a bit of colour. But I must say, make up looked wa~y better on me than on any girl.

What a pitiful life.

I checked my watch.

"Twenty five past twelve... I better get going." I muttered as I hurried into a jog.

I avoided all of the usually empty places, since that's where those three children are. One time I was out with Mori in the forest because Honey had gotten lost, and guess what?! They were there! Yay! I told Mori that I heard Honey and that I'd talk to them because they were my friends... I don't actually know why I did that. Instead of beating me, because Mori was there, Mickey got rid of Jack and Lacey and ended up forcing kisses on my again. Most of them were on my neck and chest rather than my lips. He is so damn annoying. I hoped Jack and Lacey got lost and couldn't find their way back to civilisation.

Did you know rabbits can die from lonliness?

Pushing open the door to music room three, I stepped in. Kyoya was occupied with making girls buy posters and photos, Tamaki was kissing some unconscious lady's hand, the twins were doing their weird incestuous thing, and Honey was stuffing his face with cake. After one more bite, Honey looked up.

"(M/N)-chan~!" He said happily, jumping from his seat and tackling me into a hug. "How are you today? Good? Do you want some biscuits? Good!"

He said on his own as he placed a double chocolate chip biscuit between my teeth. All of the girls he was hosting had sparkles in their eyes, 'aw'ing at the cute contact between us two.


Honey stopped and looked up. "Takashi-kun!" He said happily.

Mori picked Honey up and held him like a child. "It's not good to be on the floor. You could get a cold."

"I wasn't on the floor; I was on (M/N)-chan!"

Mori nodded, placing Honey back down next to his group he was supposed to be hosting. Mori walked back over and helped me onto my feet.

Before I could even say or do anything, he bent down and peered into my face.

"W-What?" I asked, removing the biscuit from my mouth and holding it in my hand.

Taking his thumb, he quickly swiped it across my bottom lip. He looked down at his hand and rubbed his thumb and forefinger together. "Come with me." He muttered, straightening his back and walking towards the door.

I slowly brought my hand to my mouth, following him out of the room. He was still walking down the corridor, staring at his hand. I sighed and called after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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