Once I reached the library, I looked around desperately for Harry in his and Zayn's usual spot near the front. Unfortunately he wasn't there yet. Maybe he wouldn't come...Maybe I hurt him too much and he's mad at me. 

I sighed and made my way to the front desk to get to work. I pushed the cart of books down some aisles and returned them on the shelves. I continually kept looking over my shoulder to see if Harry came by, but still nothing.

"Oh, Liam dear!" One of the librarians called to me as she walked over.

"Yes, Lynda?" I asked politely with a sweet smile.

"There's a charming young man calling for you at the front desk. He has flowers, a box of chocolate and balloons. If I'm not mistaken, I think he's your boyfriend. Or he's trying to 'woo' you," she said with an excited smile.

"Oh, Lynda. You and the other librarians are always looking for gossip about me," I said back cheekily. "But you might be mistaken. I don't have a boyfriend. Whoever that is might not be here for me."

She have me a look, then said, "Right. Well, he particularly asked for a 'Liam Payne who works here at the library'. There's only one Liam Payne who works here."

"Alright. I'll see who it is. But only to show you that you're wr- " I cut myself off when I reached the front desk in shock.

There was Harry Styles, standing with flowers, a box of chocolate, and balloons in his hands. He looked nervous and seemed to be muttering words under his breath. Until he saw me, in which he smiled and walked up to me, since I was frozen in my spot.

"H- Harry?" I managed to stutter out as he reached me.

"Hey Li," he said quite nervously, then slowly handed me the items in his hands. "So, uh..." He cleared his throat and looked in my eyes. "Look, I just wanna say this. I know you might not be over Andy yet, but I'll be here to wait for you. Or even help you get over him, if you let me. So, what do you say, Liam? Will you give me a chance?"

I continued to stand frozen in shock, just gaping at him and his words. He still wants to be with me when I'm not even sure I'm over Andy? He likes me that much?

"Okay. You still haven't said anything, so I probably said something wrong. S***! I really didn't wanna mess this up with you again. You wanna know why, Liam? Because I lo- really like you and I'm honestly quite desperate to be with you. So...please just give me the chance to show you how much you mean to me already," Harry added, sounding quite emotional.

What do I do? I can't just stand here frozen and not answer him. I need to answer him, or else I'll hurt him even more. And in front of everyone at the library now. I quickly glanced to the side and it only confirmed my thoughts. Everyone in here was watching us and waiting for my answer. Don't they have better things to do than this provate moment we're clearly having? Trying to have, anyway.

Then I looked back at Harry, who was chewing on his lip nervously now. I couldn't say "no" to him after all his effort just for me.

"Yes, Harry. I will give you the chance you deserve with me," I finally replied to him.

"Oh, okay. I- I understand. Well, not really, but you know what they sa- Wait! D- did you just say 'yes' to me?" he exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, I'm giving you a chance," I said with a laugh of delight.

"That's- Wow. Li, you have no idea how much this means to me," he said happily and hugged me.

I smiled and buried my face in his neck as I heard people clap and cheer a bit. "I think I do know."

He pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine. "I really wanna kiss you right now."

"Who's stopping you?" I teased and leaned forward to kiss him first.

"This is happening. You're giving me a chance, and I promise you that you won't regret it," he said sweetly once we pulled apart.

"I trust you then," I said back with a smile.

Then we heard some whistling and howling nearby. We turned and saw Niall and Louis hugging each other tightly, fist pumping and cheering, "LIRRY!" over and over. Zayn was behind them, shaking his head but giving Harry 2 thumbs up and a smile.

"Idiots," I muttered to myself about Louis and Niall, making Harry chuckle beside me.

"Yeah. But idiots in love," he said, stunning me frozen again.

What? Louis and Niall? In love? And I didn't know? "Lou and Ni? B- but they never told me!" I stuttered out questioningly.

"Right, whoops. Didn't mean to say that. Don't tell Louis I told you though," he said quickly. "I think he meant it when he said he'd hurt me for telling you."

"Were THEY even gonna tell me?" I questioned, then almost choked in shock when I saw Louis shrug at me and kiss Niall suddenly. "Woah. That was...not necessary at the moment."

"He said they were planning to tell you when you were ready. Whenever that was," Harry said with an eye roll. "But let's focus on us instead, okay babe?"

That made me look back at him with a disbelieving look. "Really? 'Babe'?"

"Well, can't I give you a nickname since we're together?" he asked with a pout.

"Whatever, 'cupcake'," I said back and pecked his lips.

Maybe I can get over Andy fully now. With Harry's help, and hopefully Louis and Niall's. Once they tell me about their secret, yet not-so-secret,  relationship. They will tell me, that's for sure.

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