chapter 3

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*1 week later*
Once again I'm in the bathroom throwing up. I have been doing this every moring for a week now.

I get ready for school then say goodbye to my family and drive to school.

When I get to school, Nick comes up to me and kisses my cheek.
"How's my baby girl going?" He says.

"Good besides throwing up every moring." I say back.
"How long has this been going on for?" Nick asks.

"For a week." I answer.
"Do you think you might be pregnant?" He asks.

Oh my god! I'm late!

"Um I don't know Nick. I hope not. I will get a test after school."  I say looking worried.

*after school*
I go to the shop and get a pregnancy test. I get home and go up to the bathroom and take the test.

I had to wait what seemed like forever to see if I was pregnant.

I looked down at the test and my heart sank... it was POSTIVE.

what the hell am I going to do with a child?!  I'm only 17!!

I call up Nick and tell him.
"That's great Sophie." Nick says.
"Nick! I'm 17. I can't bring up a child!!" I say.

"Baby calm down. I will help you." He says so calmly. How can he be so calm about this!
"Can you come over please Nick?" I ask.

"Yes I will be there soon." He says. I hang up and start crying.
10 minutes later, Nick comes running up to my room.

"Baby?!" He says with worry.
I run into his arms and start sobbing.

Nick runs his finger down my cheek to wipe the tears away.
" I can't look after a baby Nick." I say.

"Yes you can. You will be a good mum. And I will be here with you helping. I promise." He says smiling

"Okay thank you so much." I say.

*2 months later*
Its been two months since I found out that I was pregnant and I still haven't told my family.

I call up Nick. 

"Hello?" Nick says.
"Hey Nick. I was thinking that today, we should tell my family  that I'm pregnant." I say.

Before Nick could reply, my nan comes into my room.

"your what?!" She says looking angry. 
"Nick come over please." I say then I hang up.

"Nan I'm pregnant.."  I say.
"Your only 17!!" She says.
"I know I'm sorry!" I say looking at her.

"Pack your bags and get out!" She says pointing to the door then walks out.

Nick gets off the bus as I'm walking out of the house.

"Whats going on Sophie?" He asks as he gets out of the bus
"I got kicked out Nick." I say.

"You can come live with me." He says. "Thanks." I say.

We drive to Nick's house in my car. I lived at his house for next 7 months.

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