chapter 7

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After school, Nick and I drive to his parents house house to pick up the twins.

We get to his parents house and knock on the door.

His mum Karen came to the door with Axel in her arms.

"Hello Karen have they been good?" I ask taking Axel.

"Yes they have been great. Come in." She says smiling.

We walk in and sit on the lounge.

I hear Ava start to cry. Nick walks up to the room where she was. I follow.

Nick picks her up and smiles.

"I think she's hungry." He says.

I put Axel back in his cot and took Ava to give her a feed.

Nick kisses my forehead.

We drive home.  I get the twins out of the car and Nick opens the door for us.

I put the Ava and Axel in their cots.

I walk down stairs and see Nick sitting on the lounge. He looks back at me.

"Come here sexy." He says.

I walk over to him and sat on his lap.

"I love you." He says kissing me.

I put my hand on his face as I kiss him.

"your so sexy." He says smiling.

I smile.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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