Descriptive Writing-Dark Hallway

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A/n: this photo has nothing to do with the paragraph I just thought it was funny 😂

She edged closer down the dark hallway, unsure what to make of the noise resonating in the house. She passed the  drapes that covered the window wanting to open them but decided against it. When she reached door at the hallway's end she hesitated. She questioned why her family wasn't up, the noise was loud, loud enough to shake her from sleep. She shook her head she didn't have time for this. Her hand reached for the doorknob and suddenly it opened. The door was scratched and soiled with a dark substance similar to blood. She recoiled only to look down at her feet hearing a thump. There on the ground torn and tattered laid her family. The cuts on their bodies oozed with blood. She wailed and fell to her knees. Her eyes filled with tears and they never stopped falling. Slowly a hand raised from their corpses and pulled her down a hole that appeared without her notice. The woman screamed and jerked awake. Her husband looked at her with worry only to ask if it was the dream that plagued her when she slept. It was but this time would be the last because that night it came true.

Im so sorry for not posting in a long time. My excuses result to none. I should have posted but with no inspiration there was nothing to post. I wish I could promise more than what I give but I have nothing more. I will try my best to update more often and find some inspiration. Also if you have I have an account on there. My account is kitsune.yuko if you want to find me. I'm not very good though😝.
Ja ne~ Kitty

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