Fred Barkow

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Name: Fred Barkow 

Full Name: Fred Barkow 

Age: 32

Date Of Birth: 1910, 20th Of March

Blood Type: A

Moral: Neutral

Occupation: Detective/Informant

Roll: Detective/Partner

Special Abilities:


Personality: Fred Barkow is a crooked police detective under instructions from Mayhem City's Mayor Ben Cassedy to keep detective Mickowski's in check and out of his way. His method of doing so is to pretend to be exceedingly clumsy, thereby spoiling whatever Mickowski is trying to do, seemingly accidentally.


Universe: MC/Maverick Comics

Backstory: Coming soon!

Author's Note: if you think this character should be featured in my new book, please vote and comment. Any kind of feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.

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