The End?

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As Will run after Kathleen, she falls. "Kathleen!!" Will turns his run into a sprint to her. As he runs, he remebers all the times he loved her, kissed her. The one that stays in his head is the first time they met. 'She is so beautiful, her brown curly hair with her emerald green eyes, she carries light, but I can fix that. This is going to end badly, but I will do anything for the love of my life.' These are the first things Will thought when he say Kathleen. As Will gets to Kathleen, its to late, the other slaves have taken her to the health shed. The shed is a wooden shack that has alcohol, gazes, bandages, and health supplies. As he stands there crying, a buggy pulls up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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