The First Time

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Kathleen looked at Will with a furious look on her face. Kathleen slammed her hands on the table. Stood up quickly and ran to her house. Kathleen started to cry while she was running. Will looked out the door yelling Kathleen to come back. Kathleen didn't answer, or come back to talk to Will. When she got to her house she laid down and cried herself asleep. The next day Kathleen woke to a noise, a very loud noise. She got up and looked out the window. The slaves were out there working their butts off. Kathleen got up and go dressed and got straight to work. She worked for about 20 mins. until the person that watched them while they worked grabbed her by the arm. "get up!!!!" the man said in a very deep voice. he hopped on his horse and looked at Kathleen. " get on." she looked him like he was crazy. It was an awkward stare like she knee who he is, and that she loves him. So she hopped on also. They rode of into the woods, the middle of no where. he told the horse to stop. the horse obeyed. the man hopped off the horse. He put out his hand to help Kathleen get down. She took his hand and felt a loving shock. She sighed with relief. She hopped off the horse. The grass was soft as a baby's skin. She looked at him one last time before she said anything. The long stare gave her the same tingling feeling as before. " Please take of the mask." Kathleen said. The man took off the mask. Kathleen smiled with relief. Under the mask was Will. His hair was all frizzed up and made him look even cuter. He looked at Kathleen with a smile. " i am sorry i didn't tell you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I dont think it is a friendship anymore." Will leaned in. Kathleen closed her eyes. Will kissed Kathleen.

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