Chapter 33 - A NIGHT AT THE OPERA / 1975 / Part 8

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On November 17 and 18 we performed in Manchester and on the 19th day we returned to London for the album's release. After the release of the album we will go to Cardiff and Taunton.

On November 20th, Top of the Pops aired the promotional video for '' Bohemian Rhapsody '' on air. The boys and I watched the video on television, in my little apartment, next to Les and Tim and we started laughing. We were funny in the video, singing the operatic part of Bohemian Rhapsody.

On November 21st, EMI officially released the album A Night at the Opera. There was a small launch party at a London ballroom where we were present and the reporters interviewed the boys and me and talked about our inspirations on every song on the album. Death on Two Legs made in honor of the great bosses of Trident Studios, who wanted to suck our money, wanted to see us only sources of income, but meanwhile did not get what was rightfully ours. Bella was very beautiful in her black dress, glued to the body, which enhanced her beautiful curves more. The guests were invited to dinner, which included our family and friends, some of the musical producers of EMI. The reporters were in another wing talking and dining as well. Queen and the press will never get along, we've been badly treated by British tabloids, but EMI has called a few journalists from major magazines like Rolling Stone.

While I was having dinner and Bella was by my side, started playing Bohemian Rhapsody she stopped eating and watched the lyrics and there was a big screen in the ballroom that passed the music clip. At the end of the song, Bella said:

- Freddie was amazing writing this perfect lyrics, the vocals, everything, very perfect. But what was his inspiration to develop such complex lyrics?

"He did not tell the boys and me, my love," he said to Bella. "But I think it has to do with our friend's bisexuality and his relationship with his family. Each one plays Bohemian Rhapsody any way he thinks best.

"That may be so, my love," Bella said, kissing me.

Freddie assumed his bisexuality during the month of October, first for Mary. They ended the dating for almost six years. He told her that he had already betrayed her with men and women and assumed to be bisexual. Mary was hurt by the betrayals and shocked by Freddie's revelation and said she would walk away from him, from her life. But Freddie cried and said he would always love Mary, but not just as a man but as a friend, brother, mate. He said he did not want Mary ever to leave him. He said he wants Mary to work for him, if Queen has a future, that she be his secretary. Mary suffered a lot with the statement, but, she accepted, saying that she will always love Freddie. Freddie said that she is his only inspirational muse for the song Love of My Life. Our friends were greeted with surprise and shock at this revelation, but we always promised to be with our friend. Nothing has changed between Freddie and our friends. Bella said Freddie could always count on her, for anything.

Freddie told a group of journalists present at the release of the album:

- This album combines the boldness of Queen II with the good melodies of Sheer Heart Attack. These are the best songs ever composed.

On the twenty-second of November, we're back on tour. We did show in Cardiff and the next day in Taunton. After the release of the album on November 25, we learned that Bohemian Rhapsody had reached the top spot on the hit chart. We were in Southampton and after the show we heard the news. Bella was in London and called to me, exultant, saying that finally, Queen had won the stardom of the world of Rock and Roll. I was thrilled.

After Southampton, we went to Newcastle and Dundee aboard the band bus. Mary was with Freddie. Freddie told Mary to quit her job at Biba stores because now she would work for him. Mary accompanied us on the tour. Bella can not accompany me on account of her work and Master's studies.

The tour was closed with two performances at the Apollo Theater in Glasgow on the twenty-ninth and thirtyth of November. But prosecutor Mel Bush arranged for an additional presentation on Christmas Eve at the Hammersmith Odeon. The concert will be broadcast live, on the radio, on the BBC and on the program The Old Gray Whistle Test.

After the show in Glasgow, before returning to London I called Bella and said,

"My love, please change your plans this year to spend Christmas in Brighton. Spend Christmas with me in London. Queen will give a presentation on Christmas Eve at Hammersmith Odeon.

Bella cried on the phone excited, with the recognition of the band finally.

"Of course I spend Christmas with you in London, my love. I want to watch the band's performance. We'll go to Brighton after Christmas, "she said.

Finally Queen achieved the recognition of a great band. We will make world-wide success this time and Bella by my side everything is perfect.

POV Luke

Curse. Queen is making a big hit with the band's new album. Michael, the trafficker and I are thinking of putting a new plan in place.

"The plan is perfect," said the chief. - But let's put it into practice after the holidays. Let the idiots celebrate for now, sudden success. Let them feel a little of the taste of success, of fame.

"Next year, Bella and Roger will not be together anymore," he said with a hint of outburst. "This time, I'll break up their romance.

"And we'll have a great deal of money, just from my son and his success with the band," Michael smiled.

To be continued...


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