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  In the year of 2145 Magicae was blessed into the world, but there is a downside to this discovery. It was only discovered in some people. Scientist to this day still doesn't know how it forms. It is found randomly in people. Let's say two magic users have a child. It doesn't mean they could use magic. There are those who think that magicae is unnatural, they are called the anti-magicae organization or AMO for short. The world governments came together to make a school called Herny Kissinger School of Magicae Benutzer. The school teaches those who can use magicae can learn to use it for good. At the age of 16, everyone is tested to see if they have magicae. Those who have Magicae are sent to Kissinger from where every they live.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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