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friday 8:30 am

amalie hasn't told her friends what happened with shawn at the park last tuesday so seeing him on campus made it even more awkward.

on wednesday, she wanted to tell pia after school, but when she went to her apartment, she heard loud moans in the hallway. assuming she was with chris schistad, shawn's best friend, she left grimacing at what she almost walked into.

then, on thursday she was about to tell the group but natalie came. she was definitely the last person she'd want to tell, especially with what she's going through. it sounds really bad on amalie's part but she didn't want natalie to hate her even more after their dinner on tuesday, which was the same day shawn asked amalie out.

so now it's friday. the day of the christmas lights festival. the whole school was going, except for one person.

"natalie, give me one good reason why you're not going." enya argued.

"it's not my thing." natalie shrugged.

"what do you mean? you were a part of the group who planned this." enya exclaimed.

"yeah, nat you've been asking us to go since september," aisha said. "what's going on?"

"i just don't feel like going." natalie replied.

"guys, you don't have to force her into going. if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to." amalie said desperately trying to win her friend back.

"thank you, amalie." natalie smiled weakly.

"but give us one good reason and we'll get off your back." said pia who finally looked up from her phone.

"because shawn's going, im trying to get over him."

"you can't hide from him forever," pia said. an idea popped in her head. "we're gonna show him how much you're over him."


"everyone come to my house after last period, shawn will wish he glued his mouth shut." pia smiled mischievously.

10:45 am

amalie asked to to be excuse so she could go to her locker, but in reality she was actually on her way to get some food.

suddenly, just because she has the worst luck or because the world decided to hate her this week, she bumped into shawn mendes. of course he had that annoying smirk on his face.

"hey," he looked at her up and down. he liked her outfit today. she looked so cozy and cuddly with her light washed jeans and beige sweater. he wanted to hug her, but of course amalie took it the wrong way and turned on her heels to walk away. "n-no i just- you look good today."

shawn mentally face palmed. where'd his confidence go?

"yeah, thanks." amalie turned around quickly then continued to walk.

he regained some of his confidence and followed her, "so have you thought about it?"

"about what?" amalie was trying her best not to bring it up, but then an idea clicked in her head.

"the date." shawn sang.

"okay, mendes. i have a proposal," she started.

"nicknames and you're proposing to me? as much as i love this we should take it slow," he joked receiving a glare from amalie.

"i'll go on one date with you, if you apologize to my friend natalie for what you said."

"deal." he took his hand out for her to shake.

amalie looked shocked. she didn't think it'd be that easy. she thought he'd argue or something.

"deal." she shook his hand.

6:00 pm

the sun was already going down and the girls we're finished getting ready.

amalie wore black leggings, the same beige sweater she wore at school, a dark red scarf and an oversized denim jacket with some boots. she wore her hair in a bun and touched up the makeup she already had on.

meanwhile, pia wore a body con dress, tall boots and a vintage fur coat. amalie said she looked like cruella deville, but she still looked stunning.

enya and aisha kept it simple like amalie and wore light washed skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. enya's was light pink and aisha's was black. they thought it'd be funny if they matched.

then natalie came out. she looked stunning. this may sound mean, but she outshone the other girls' outfits. but they didn't mind. it was her night.

she wore a tight two piece black dress that showed off all her curves, and on top was a grey trench coat. she kept her hair naturally curly and it looked amazing. she felt her gain the confidence she once had, and was ready to break hearts.

the girls made their way to the festival. it wasn't as cold as the forecast said it would be so what they wore was not a problem.

they had a couple drinks to let loose, except amalie, who was the designated driver and aisha who didn't drink.

pia went to chris and they went on a walk admiring each other's presence and the lights. enya found someone to dance with which left amalie, who kept making eye contact with shawn, aisha, who was bored out of her mind, and natalie together.

amalie nudged her head towards natalie when she locked eyes with shawn. he nodded and made his way to the group.

"hey aisha can you come with me to the car for a second?" she asked gesturing to shawn. aisha caught on and they hid behind a tree.

"hey, natalie i think you look beautiful," shawn said. he wasn't lying, she just wasn't his type.

natalie was speechless the entire time so shawn continued.

"if anyone said that you aren't worth it, they're an asshole, that includes me. so i just wanted to apologize for what i said. you are more than good enough. merry christmas." he said before placing a kiss on her cheek.

natalie looked at her friends, shook then turned around to see that shawn was gone.

amalie and aisha joined her and squealed. shawn caught amalie's glance and smiled, this time earning a smile back.

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