"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He whispered, a glint of sadness appeared in his eyes.

"You brought us to the principal's office and that disrupted my clean record, I made an offence. What if I won't be accepted in Harvard because of that? What if they-"

I was cut off my by a soft moist lips on my forehead.

"I'm sorry," his voice muffled against my forehead.

His hot breath fanned my forehead which made me shiver involuntarily.

"It's okay." I managed to whisper softly.

He pulled away and for a second back there, I felt cold without his touch.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I warned him, his expression changed into confusion.

"I'm tired of hoping, so please don't make promises that you won't fulfill." I added as I let out a deep breath.

I was startled by his touch on my cheeks. I stared into his blue green orbs just as he stared at me intently.

"You know that I won't do that, I keep the promises that I make and how about.. I start now?" He grinned at me, a genuine grin that his dimples dented.

"Huh?" I asked him, dumbfounded.

"Let's go!" He grabbed my hands once again while we ran towards his BMW.

He opened the passenger door then he gestured for me to go in.

"Get in my lady," he faked the british accent.

Well, he failed to pronounce them properly which made me burst out laughing. When I finally got over it, I went it and was greeted by a familiar scent. Mixed smell of wood and axe.

"Ready?" He grinned.

"Do I look like I have a choice?" I retorted with an eye roll.

He replied with a smirk, bullshit. That smirk makes him more handsome.

"You're learning to be rude huh?" He said smugly like he's proud of it or something.

"Am not rude!" I exclaimed as I cross my arms over my chest.

"It's okay, just the way I like it. Bad girls turn me on." He winked at me before chuckling.

"Just shut up and drive to wherever you're bringing me. Douche bag." I mumbled under my breath.

"Baby girl, I like you but that doesn't mean that you can call me with any name you want," he cooed mockingly, leaving me fuming on my seat.

"And you can?" I got irritated so I grabbed a stress ball from my back pack and threw it to him which caused our car to turn sharply.

Oops. My bad?

"What the fuck!" He shouted

No, definitely not what I was expecting.

"Do anything you want just don't fucking hit the driver when he's drivig! Are you fucking insane? Didn't you're parents teach you that!" I stared at him in shock as I felt the tears building up.

I felt a huge lump forming on the back of my throat, he caught a glimpse of me before turning his gaze back on the road. I sniffled softly wishing that he won't hear as I wipe the tears that betrayed my eyes.

"Look Cass-"

"Just drive." I snapped at him.

I heard him let out a frustrated sigh and me being the stubborn person I am chose to ignored it and leaned my head against the window.

A few minutes of awkward silence has passed before I saw my favorite ice cream store, Ben & Jerry's. I instantly felt giddy discarding my bad mood, the moment Carson parked the car I opened the door but it's locked.

I turned to look at him with my eyebrow raised.

"We won't get out of this car until you talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about," I turned around and faced the window.

"Yes there is, I've been a stupid dick awhile ago and you've been ignoring me for awhile. Swear or curse just talk to me, I can't stand the thought of you being mad at me. I'm so sorry for yelling, if you want to punch me it's fine just. Urgh, just fucking talk to me."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you have to go through my shit everyday, I'm sorry that I'm a mess. I'm sorry that I've been a horrible girlfriend, I can't give you the things that you want. I'm sorry for being broken and I know in some way I can't be fixed. I'm sorry if I don't appreciate your efforts that much but trust me if I'm not broken I really would, all this time you've been a good best friend and boyfriend at the same time and me? I've been a bitch, I'm so so sorry." I choked out a sob after I said those words.

"I've been a pain in the ass to everyone and I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough but I promise that I'll try to sort my shit out and be a better girlfriend." I sniffed as I wiped the tears that flowed down.

"You're not a pain in the ass, god you're anything but those horrible words you said. You are the best girlfriend in the world and most of all you're not messed up, you're a sweet naive girl that stole my heart from the start so stop thinking of those things because it's not true. I know that everyone thinks that I'm popular and why am I dating a nerd well I'll tell you a secret." He kissed each one of my eyes before pulling me into a hug.

"What secret?" My voice hoarse.

He leaned down and when I felt his breath on my ear he tightened his grasp.

"It's because you're my nerd." He kissed my ear then the top of my head.

I snuggled closer to him and I clung to his shirt as my tears soak them.


He pulled away from me and to kiss my lips but the moment his lips touched mine my stomach growled.

Both of us burst out laughing for antagonizing minutes until our stomach hurt.

"We should probably feed that stomach of yours," he chuckled.

"It's about damn time!" I squealed in delight and exited the car.

I was so excited so I ran towards the entrance of the shop when I bumped into someone. I looked up to find a familiar woman.

Brown hair, grey eyes and freckle free face? I know this person, come on Cass think deeper.

Then snap!

When I realized who it is I swear everything stopped at that time and my blood drained from my face.




Oh gosh, I teared up a little bit when I wrote this chapter, they fought again and guess what? Her mom's alive!

Shit just got real, anyways! Thank you for 57k reaaads!!

Vote, Comment and Fan as always:)


-ohhlala_77 XX

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