Smile 1.0: Kirk & The Walners

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Mid-August, 6:00 AM.

The morning chant of the clock blared through the silence of the room.

Kirk sprightly woke up and smiled, knowing that the first day of his last year in high school was about to initiate. Right after he clicked the button on the dented clock to stop the annoying sound, he springed up on his bed to watch himself in the oval mirror beside the door. His hair was a disarranged mass; his face had grown with a slimy saliva clinging at the corner of his mouth. But even that didn’t hold his attention for too long, as he felt something funny going on in his pants. He ignored it for a while.

He stretched his perfectly curved neck, muscular arms and legs. Hearing the crunching sound beneath them satiated him that the warm-up was effective. Despite the fact that he felt so active already, the itchy balls he always felt bothered him beyond limits. It felt so weird; so weird that putting down his black-white checkered boxer shorts to pry on what was going on became a necessity. And when he did see what was up, all hell broke loose in his room and a sudden war scream blasted the peaceful neighbourhood.

"Cockroach!" From his bedroom, at Usain Bolt's pace, he unknowingly reached the roughed pavement area of their lot, exactly in front of their two-car garage door. 

"Oh fuck! He's crawling up to my dick! Help! Help!" He then screamed like a little girl who was about to get harassed. Afraid to touch the cockroach, he jerkily jumped around with a sudden burst of horror. Harshly, he waved his pitiful organ, forcing it to drop on the ground.

Watching him from the distance, the citizens would have been mistaking him doing some morning exercise; if only they were willing to omit the fact that he was half-naked.

"Get off me!" he cried again, grimacing like he had lemon inside his mouth.

As the insect fell, it crawled around in curvy motion until it retreated beyond the grassy area of their lot.

The cockroach had really lived upon his name. Kirk just got cock-roached.

He sighed, still horrified by his nightmare; or was it day-mare. Whatever had happened, had left an abhorrent aftermath that might have destroyed his ego. Looking around, he spotted his neighbors' head resting on their own hands, watching, laughing and adoring him on their own corresponding windows. Do I have to wave my hand at them? he thought.

He wasn't sure if they had witnessed the entire scene of his horrific private parts exposure. Either way, it made him feel gravely embarrassed. The odds may not be in his favor, but still he silently thanked God that no one was taking him a video.

He then rushed directly into his house, carrying a mountain of shame on his back.

"What's with the scream, kiddo?" his dad, Kyle, asked worriedly as he saw Kirk's unpleasant expression.

Kirk just continued his way up to his bedroom, which felt like going up the Mount Everest with a terrible hailstorm poking him in the face. He ignored his dad. What should he have done? Narrate his awesome victory-over-the-cockroach story to him?

Sitting at the edge of his cushy bed, he checked his Samsung S4 to strike some new updates. He noticed that he got one voice message from his girlfriend, Martha. He then tapped the screen and placed the audio output on his ear.

Morning, babe. Um... How's your sleep?  I've got something for you. I gonna show it to you at school. I'll be in you locker. You're going to shit yourself when you see this. Later. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

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