It was the same photo that Daphane had ripped apart from my desk at home because she said it was annoying to see it hanging around. But hers was more perfect than mine. Hers did not have a tear right beside dad and I. But how did she got it? And why isn't it torn?

"This is Ellie?" asked Queen Annie. I saw Queen Nina nodded her head calmly. There. she nodded her head. I gasped but was too dumbfounded to do anything. She confirmed that the baby in the photo was me and it was just too coincidence that I had the exact same one.

But it all happened so suddenly that I couldn't differentiate reality and dreams anymore. It couldn't be. I felt big fat tears falling onto my arm as I clutched my dress. I'm a princess? Just how many surprises are there in a day? First it was Ethan being a prince, and now I'm a princess? It couldn't be true. I must be dreaming...... It couldn't be right. The more I think, the more I heaved and I felt my vision blurring. Not sure from the crying or panic attack. Everything was spinning. The earth is spinning. That was when darkness came to me.


"Ellie, wake up, Ellie." someone shook me and I opened my eyes slowly. Brightness descended on me and I squirmed from it. Am I dead? Where was I? Am I in heaven? Hearing angels calling out my name? But I couldn't remembered what happened before I was dead?

It took me awhile to slide out of my frozen state and figured out that I was in a room. Or rather, still in the castle. I saw 4 figures and they are all staring at me with concern on their faces. Who are they again? I closed my eyes again and opened them more slowly this time. I realize I was in my own comfortable skirt and tank top with Ethan's jacket wrapped around me, the beautiful dress was no where to be found.

"Ellie, are you okay?" I saw Ethan moving towards me and asking. Concern flooded his face and he seems as if he would break. He tugged and smooth my hair behind my ears and his hands lingered on my face a little longer than usual, sending chills down my spine. I nod my head at his direction and gave a weak smile.

"What happen to me?" I asked and my voice creaked. Lack of water and I bet I looked like crap now. Not only looked, I felt like crap. But bits by bits of what had happened came back to me. I didn't knew what to feel now. Angry? more like shocked. Or was it sadness?So confused. But all that happened, I was glad Ethan was here.

"You fainted because you had.... Well, too much shock. At least that's what the doctor said." Erica answered in a serious tone but hesitated, choosing her words carefully. She searched my face while I just blinked and stared. I grimaced a little after that and Ethan let out a smile.

I shrugged and sighed when "Ellie......" Queen Nina started but Queen Annie stopped her by saying "Rest well." and they walked away. Just like that. They walked away from me. Did they knew I overheard their conversation? Did they? I felt that Queen Nina was ready to share. Ready to tell me what was going on and what on earth was happening.

"So, what did you heard?" Erica asked after her mum and Queen Nina left the room. So she knew. No wonder she stared at me like a prey. Ethan looked at me with curious eyes and I wondered if he knew too. But what I was most curious was how she knew I heard something rather than see.

I swallow and took a breathe "They..... I......" I started but found it hard to continue. It was like a bubble waiting to be burst but there wasn't any needle around to poke it with. I took a deep breathe again and looked from Ethan to Erica which they just stared at me, patiently, waiting for me to tell them. "This will sound crazy. But I am not crazy. Queen Nina said I'm her daughter, which means I'm a princess, she got my baby photo." I said in a rush and relieve that I actually said that out loud. They didn't seems to catch me at first and they frown. But even when I said it out loud, it sounded unbelievable.

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