Tumbling Down a cliff

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School had been normal.I was somehow coping up with the grand syllabus and really boring classes specially my mother tongue Hindi.It was difficult but my friends did help me out a lot.Of late i had been toying with the idea of exploring the dreaded not meant to be gone inside woods.I knew bitta hiking and would try to cimb the smaller less steeper hills with Sona.She happily acoompanied me up the mountain.After saying our prayers at the Goddess' temple we started up.We must be halfway when I noticed that the weather was turning dark yet we continued. a little more distance and bang! we met up with Krish and his minions.the guys were pretty nosy and bullied on everyone I was neutral to it and they hated it.an evil sneer spread on his face and he asked me"Anvi,where are you off to?"

I replied"none of your business" and pulled Sona up."c'mon Sona we have to get there faster and back "i grit through my teeth.Krish began again"and yes jaya when you reach there do not forget to tumble down the other way it would be fun".jeez could'nt he mind himself!"haha funny enough Krish it would be funny to see YOU tumble off"

finally after about an hour or so did i reach the top.It began drizzling lightly and me and Jaya quickly hid for cover.Cold gusty winds bew and we shivered."sona,you stay here i'll be back let me look for some dry wood so that we can maka a fire.

dread washed off her face and she said"no,I'll accompany you its not safe if we stay apart besides.... the jungle is at the other end you know that don't you??"

"ah yes i see scaredy cat ae we??"i chuckled and we were soon tired and drenched somehow the thought of going in the woods intrigued me and then i heard Sona scream "Jaya watch out!!"

Too late wandering off we had reached the side and my leg slipped 

"whooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" i screamed my lungs out as i slipped through the mossy floor and landed on a soft bedof moss wondering how i survived a severe pain arose in my wrist and my back ached.I felt dizzy and my throat parched some how my watch was still in pace and working  6:30 pm it said.

i cursed under my breath and whimpered how would i find a way out.suddenly an idea struck my mind i could discover and unearth the secrets of the woods.determined i started waling deeper inside knowing not what it held for me......

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