The Day Winter Came

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Elsa's POV
I woke up the next day shocked of what I made. Well sort of. I found a cute white bunny on my lap. Where did that come from? Then Jack came in with pancakes? " morning ice queen." He said cheerfully. "Did you make this bunny?" I asked him. "What bunny?" He asked. Then he saw the cute adorable bunny on my lap. "Good dream?" He asked, "guess so why?" I ask him. " looks to me like you made the bunny. No wonder a felt something move." he said. " I made that bunny?" I asked him. " looks like it." he said. " I made a bunny!" I said. " yeah. but don't say it again its beginning to annoy me." " so I annoy." " no I didn't mean that. ugh why do I keep saying things I don't want to say!" he screams in frustration." hey its okay. I know what you meant." I say. " your not mad?' he asks. "why should I be mad at you?" I say. "well that usually it  pisses someone out when I mess up like that." " well I think that's cute how you mess up." I say. "you think I'm cute?" he asks. " in a way yeah. I think you are kind of cute." I reply. " she thinks I'm cute." he whispers. " I can hear you." I point out. " I know you can." he replies. he is cute.

Jack's POV

She thinks I'm cute. I cant believe she thinks im cute. I stare at her she is beautiful. but she thinks something else. I can sense that. how you might ask? well last night when she was sleeping she started to hug me too tight that I couldn't breath. then she let go. wow that must of been some dream. I think to myself. any way to the point. last night North called us together. I left Elsa there but I left a gift. it was a teddy bear. but before I left something moved. I thought that it was her but it turned out to be something else. so I went to see North. he said that Pitch was back but more powerful then ever. that he was feeding on someone's fear. but no one was afraid anymore. but Elsa! " North he's feeding on Elsa's fear. she afraid of hurting someone." I had said " Jack you must protect Elsa. teach her control of her powers before she is consumed by fear." North had said. " Jack?" I heard Elsa say. I snapped out of my of my day dream. "huh?" I ask." you were drooling. " I wipe my face. I was drooling."opps." I say. " its alright can you teach me now?" "okay." I answer. We walked outside. " first you can control your powers with two things." I say." what are the two things?" I think before answering then I remember what Manny said " control with emotion."  I walk a distance. just two feet back. " okay. one is control with emotion."  I said like a wise man. " so you built this castle when you happy correct." "correct." she replies. okay now think of something sad and hurtful." then her look changed. her happy face turned into a sad face. A mini blizzard began to form the turned into snow flackes dancing around." that's great." I say and then she clams down. " next one. now controlling your temper. try to stay clam at all times." " okay" she repied. " final one." I say " I thought you said 2?" she asked confused." that other one was pat of part one." I say. " final belief." I say." belief?" she asks. "yeah you have to believe in your self." " really? she asks. "really." I respond. I looked at the ground and saw nightmare sand. "Elsa!" she run to my side. I hold her tight. " why hello Jack" Pitch said.

Autors note.

I was bored so sorry if this chapter sucks.

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