The Dragon Phillip Vs. Maleficent

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It was all up to Phillip to save the day. He was of course nervous but he knew he had to defeat Maleficent. He said in his head ok it's either now or never. His horse galloped toward the dragon. The dragon took a big deep breath and out came tones of flames from her mouth. It was so strong. It went on Phillip and pushed him off his horse. He fell to the ground. Samson stood a little farther away from Phillip. So that way Phillip could fight the dragon. Phillip got back up. The dragon kept taking big deep breaths and destroying the area where she and Phillip were at. At one point all the flames went on all of the tree branches and thorns. Phillip had to run because the flames were starting to spread. He climbed up some big cliff so he could have somewhere to fight the dragon. The dragon went closer to where Phillip was so they could fight. The dragon kept trying to bite him, but she would always miss. He fought the dragon with his sword. They fought for a while. Phillip was getting tired. He looked at the dragon. He aimed his sword at the area of were the dragon's heart is. So the dragon would die. He threw his sword at the dragon's heart. It went real deep in her heart. It went in deep enough to make the dragon die. The dragon screamed. It looked at Phillip. It tried once more to bite him. He jumped so that way the dragon would miss. The dragon was on the cliff for a second, then she fell to the ground. Part of the cliff fell on the dragon so that way it really would of killed Maleficent and it did. The sword was still stuck in Maleficent's heart. Phillip looked down at the dragon. He smiled. He was so proud of himself. Now he got more excited because it was time for him to go see his true love. His horse came over to him. He looked at the castle. All the thorns and tree branches disappear.

Sleeping BeautyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora