At the cottage

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Sixteen years went by. Something beautiful was coming out in to the sun today. Of course it's princess Aurora. Aurora was so beautiful as time went by sixteen years. She was in her room. She was sitting on her bed. She was wondering when she would ever be able to meet a boy face to face. She just was staring out at the widow and kept wondering. The three fairies were down stairs talking about Aurora's birthday gift. Aurora stood up. She started dancing. She tried to make it look like that she was dancing with a boy. One of her bird friends went to her window. The bird started humming. Aurora turned around and stopped dancing. She saw the bird. She opened the window.
She said," Hello there little friend."
The bird started talking.
Aurora said,"Oh don't worry little friend. I'll be down there in a bit."
She started singing a song and dancing too.
She said," I wonder if I'll ever meet someone because being in here. Is definitely no fun at all. Oh little friends do you think I'll ever meet a boy?"
Her animal friends hummed.
She said,"I don't know. But I sure hope I do. If I ever do it will feel like a dream."
She started getting tears in her eyes.
She said,"It will. It will. It will definitely be a ddddddrrrrreeeeeaaammmmmmmm."
She put out her hand. One of her bird friends went on her finger. She heard a noise coming from down stairs.
She said," I'll be right back little friend."
She let the bird go. She grabbed her coat. She went down stairs. She saw the fairies.
She said," Are you three dears ok?"
The fairies turned around.
Flora said," Yeah we're fine dear. Everything's fine."
Aurora said," Are you sure?"
Flora said," Yeah I'm positive. Um."
She looked at Fauna and Merrywheather trying to figure out an excuse to say to Aurora to leave the cottage for a little while so they could work on her surprise birthday party.
Flora said," Uh. We need you to to."
Merrywheather said," We want you to pick some berries."
Flora said," That's it. Berries. Berries."
Fauna said," Lots of berries."
Aurora said," Um ok."
Flora said," Yeah we need more dear."
Fauna said," Lots lots more."
Flora said," Take your time and don't hurry back."
Merrywheather said," But don't go to far."
Flora said," Oh yeah and don't speak to strangers."
They all said goodbye dear. Aurora said goodbye back to them.

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