At the castle

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The place where Aurora's mom and dad live. Prince Phillip and his dad don't live there. They just came to visit sometimes. They came down for Aurora's sixteen birthday because Aurora's parents and prince Phillip's dad were hoping that Phillip would be Aurora's true love. If Aurora fell asleep and also because they are forced to get married. King Hubert was in his room in the castle getting ready. Queen Leah and King Stefan are super excited to see there daughter today after sixteen years. They are also a little nervous because there is still a possibility that Aurora could still get that curse from Maleficent. Prince Phillip was in the stables feeding his horse and brushing him. As soon as Phillip got done, his horse decided to drink some water. Phillip looked out the stables. He saw that it looked like a nice day to go for a ride. He walked back over to his horse.
He said," You know what buddy it looks like a nice day to go for a ride. What do you say buddy want to go for a ride?"
The horse made noise. Which meant yes.
Phillip said," Ok let's get you ready then."
He got his horse ready to go for a ride. He got on his horse, as soon as he was done putting on all the stuff on his horse. He patted his horse.
He said," Ok lets go buddy."

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