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~Previously on the Last Chapter...~

Shimi (Shimon): Spirits, are you here?

The piece begins to move towards H-E-R-E and then stops on E.

Miku: Seems like they are here...

Roshi (Rokuro): -Glups-

Benio: Calm down......... Rokuro......

Haruka: This is so exciting!

Ryoko (Ryogo): How can you call this exciting? 💧

Nanami (Narumi): Quick! Ask it another question!

Arashi (Arata): Okay then. *Ahem* Spirits, are you going to kill us?

Subaru: I don't think we should've asked that question......... 💧

Tenchi (Tenma): -Gets a cold down the spine and shiver-

Gris: -Gets a cold down the spine and shiver, too- Why does this feel so familiar? 🤔

The piece moved again but this time, it moved towards yes and then began shaking uncontrollably dangerously and then span off of the table but instead of dropping down, it floated upwards and glowed red.

Roshi (Rokuro): B-B-B-B-B-B-BENIO!!!!!!!!! -Faints-

Benio: Geez....... -Picks him up-

Shimi (Shimon): WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!??!?!

The piece shattered while white smoke began coming from the board, revealing a figure standing in the middle of the board.

Gris: YOU?!?!??!??!

Everyone: HUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

~And now...~

Gris: YOU?!?!??!??!

Everyone: HUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!



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Gris: NYANKO-SENSEI?!!?!!?!?!!

Everyone: HUHHHHHHHHHH?!?!!?!!?!! NYANKO-SENSEI?!!?!!?!?!!

Gris: That's not his real name but it's actually a nickname.

Tenchi (AKA Tenma Unomiya): Do you two know each other?

Gris: Yep! ^o^=b

Yui (AKA Yuto Ijika): It doesn't bite, does it?

Gris: Nah. He is on the neutral side but right now, he is with a friend of mine. His name is: "Natsume Takashi", who is a very powerful human due to his Grandmother: "Reiko Natsume" who is was born with very strong spiritual powers.

Arata (Still serious): I would like him on our side.

Gris: Dude, I doubt he would like what you guys are doing.

Arata: Why?

Gris: Long story, short. Takashi dislikes Exorcists.

Arata: Ah... Shame. And things would get better if he were around.

Gris: Anyways! What are you doing here, Madara?

Madara (Nyanko-Sensei): I was out partying when I was suddenly transported to here.

Gris: Ah......! I see. I'll return you to where you were, Madara.

Madara (Nyanko-Sensei): Thank you. Let's party the next time when we met again, Old Friend.

Gris: Sure! Later~! Hup! -Tosses a magic circle at Madara, from her hand-


Gris: Welp. That's finally done!

Gris: Okay Guys! That enough for this chapter! Hope ya'll liked it! See ya'll next time! Buh-Bye~! -Waves her hand-

Everyone (But Rokuro who is still knocked out): See you next time!!! Bye~! -Waves their hands-

Tenchi Unomiya (Tenma Unomiya) and no nick naming!!!!!: 3/50

Boys/Mans to Girls/Women: 1/50

Silent Girl, Sakura Sada: 1/3

Miku, no more Stuffed Animals: 1/2

Arata's Serious Mode: 2/2 (Completed)

The dares were put on hold from the last chapter and Arata's Dare is done.

Ask or Dare Sousei no Onmyouji/Twin Star Exorcists! (Status: Done.)Where stories live. Discover now