Leader | Littlestar

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Littlestar is a small silver tabby she-cat. Lithe and striking, she was the runt of the liter. She has long whiskers and green eyes, as well as a soft chest and dark gray stripes and spots zigzagging across her body. She is very pretty and petite, with lean limbs and a small gray nose.

What Littlestar lacks in size she makes up for in personality. She has an even voice like ice crystals encasing a smooth lake. She is kind and fair, allowing everyone from the smallest kit to the oldest elder to participate in Clan events. She is a very good fighter, due to her small size and ability to slip out of the grasp of opponents. She is assertive and decisive, quick to make decisions, and also somewhat stubborn. Although she is all for a good time and a laugh, she knows when it's time for seriousness. She is very sympathetic, especially toward small members of the Clan. She is not a fan of battles, but will not step down once threatened. She is a voice of security and reason.

Littlestar was picked on often when she was younger due to her small size. She was always working to prove herself, and found that opportunity in a battle between the Clan and a pack of rogues as a seasoned warrior, then Littlefrost. She fought and defeated one of the strongest opponents, proving to others that she was a valid and self-sufficient warrior, and continued fighting even after she broke her left hind leg. She was named deputy afterward, the previous deputy having been killed.

Littlestar is 35 moons old. She is a fairy new leader and has yet to lose a life.

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