chapter 1

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Emma's point of view

"dammit Caty what did you do this time?" I asked as I was fighting off four guys, who some how managed to find our secret base.

"oh I don't know how they found the base and this time I swear I didn't do anything! Honest I just went out for a walk that's all!" Caty yelled right as I got thrown into a wall, I growled in pain and cursed under my breath before one of the guys pulled me out of the wall.

~six hours earlier ~

"Caty what did I say.... You don't leave the base with out me knowing or without leaving a note!" I said fixing my Mohawk while hiding my dog tags in my shirt, I looked at the mirror and saw Caty look at the ground, I sighed and turned around so my back was facing the mirror it's been two years since the incident with Francis and Hans, I hate reliving that memory of my brother death.. And what happened two years ago after the factory blew up.. I was in a coma for two years as my team mates told me.. They even said they saw Hans visiting me while I was in this said coma, I highly doubt it though since Hans is a evil bastard..

"I'm sorry Caty I didn't mean to yell at you... it's just you know the rules I need to know where you are at all times in case something happens and I need to get a hold of you... or what If you get hurt and I don't know where you are and you need help? I just don't want a replay of what happens at that damn factory or when I was in Denmark... I just can't lose anymore team mates do you understand!?" I said before turning my back to her and started to remove the bandages from around my face, I looked at the mirror to see a scar across my right eye and another one across the left side of my mouth.

"I know Emma.... I know the rules but I just wanted some fresh air... you know how I get when I'm trying to draw and I can't think... then I need to go outside to gather my thoughts... and I know you don't want a replay of what happened at that factory with those penguins or what happened at Denmark with skipper and Hans " Caty said placing a hand on my shoulder, I just sighed and nodded right as a knock landed on the half open door, I looked behind me to see a panting Elizabeth.

"dammit Elizabeth what is it... what's going on? Why are you out of breath? What happened? Why do you look so worried?Answer me private! " I said and crossed my arms while Elizabeth was leaning on the side of the door frame trying to catch her breath.

"you need to come see this Emma... there is some interesting footage that Sam caught on tape... when you told her to go out and Recon the nearby area.. " Elizabeth said, I looked at her before walking towards the door and I laid a hand on her shoulder.

"me and Caty will look at this footage you just go and catch you breath then relax for now OK Lizzy, what ever Sam found I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. " I said, she nodded before I started to walked away with Caty following me.

"what do you think this about Emma?" Caty asked as we walked down the hall to the room Sam was at with this interesting footage she got of the surrounding area.

"I don't know Caty but whatever it is must be really important if Lizzy had to run all the way to the bathroom to tell me and it's only 09:00 hours this better be important. Cause if it's just a damn cat video again... I swear there will be hell to pay. " I said as me and her walked into my office where I noticed Sam sitting behind my desk.

"Sam what did you find that made Lizzy have to run all the way to the bathroom to tell me, you do realize me and Caty where in the middle of a argument. " I said walking around my desk to see the video displayed on my computer, with Caty right behind me.

"oh Emma! Caty! You are here... I didn't even hear the door open or you guys walking in...also I'm sure your argument of Caty walking outside with no note can wait.. but this is some interesting footage... you know those four guys that used to be penguins... just like we use to be a tiger, German shepherd, wolf and a Raven.. I guess they also got changed into humans too.. After all of us fought Dr. Blowhole of course and hans" she said and I nodded.

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