Axel Trone

143 4 65

Age: "Guess it."

Gender: "Piss off...."

Species: Human/Demon

Personality: Silent, only talks to people he knows, unless he's told to speak by a teacher or someone older, but only if he wants to, if not he just writes, he acts serious around people he tries to make a good impression on, when he's not he's laid back around his friends or at his house, sometimes he dozes off when someone is talking about something that doesn't interest him or just talks to long

Likes: The colors black and blue, chokers, his jacket, bracelet, the fact that he can change his hair and eye color, float around at home, music

Dislikes: His scars, that he can't grow taller (he's 5'7), that hes not able to eat as much as he wants to without him up chucking it later, when he gets past memories that he doesn't like

Weaknesses: his tail and wings

Other: keeps them hidden because his friends call anyone who's not human "Freaks", but one or two of them know about it and are fine with it as long as he doesn't kill them, will get random memories that will make him feel sad, has scars on his neck which is why he wears a choker, can't eat a lot which gives him a skinny look, was abused by his past boyfriend which makes him frail and not trust many new people, has a dragon tattoo that covers most of his back

Birth Day: September 28

Tattoo: ⬇

A look he changes into when he's sad or pissed ⤵

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A look he changes into when he's sad or pissed ⤵

A look he changes into when he's sad or pissed ⤵

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