Poem #55: "Not so sure"

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Not sure what to do
Not sure what to say
Not sure whether to cuss myself
Or maybe fade away

Not sure what to think of this
Not sure what to be
Not sure whether to listen
Not sure what to feel

I've got a million things to care about
And lots of things to say
But the problem with my shattered heart
Is that it tears my flesh away

And when I try to feel happiness
My mind and my souls fills up with anxiousness
I wanna scream, but I can't
Cuz the voices will hear
So I drown in the sea of my on quietness

That is why I'm not so sure
I'm not so sure to feel the way I feel
"It's a crime, it's a sin"
You know that's what they always say

"Stop whining, stop crying"
They exclaim in my ear
"Be grateful, Be honored"
But I feel like I'm dying

This anxiety, these voices
This screaming, this violence
This doubt, this trauma
It's driving me insane

The rhyming, I'm trying
My mind's always tying
My eyes are so puffy
Gotta keep on writing

I'm trying, I'm trying
You're trying, You're trying
I'm tired, I'm tired
You're tired, You're tired.

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