One 》 I Am Legal. (Glory Willson)

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In the last twenty-four hours, my view on life had increased. If I was an honest person I would say because I now have the ability to drink in public legally.

My full intention was not to get shit faced but to have a few drinks with friends, but one drink became three and three became eight and then some asshole bought the bar, and I became a walking bar.

Thank goodness for my vampire half, because I was almost sure my blood to alcohol level was twice If not three times the amount any human could handle.

There was no way that at this second I wasn't drunk. My friends were three sheets to the wall as well. This club was packed with drunk people of every kind, werewolves, vampires, humans & and every part breed, animal shifter you could think about. 

It was funny actually, we were supposed to have higher alcohol tolerance than all the humans, but I saw plenty of humans firing back drinks and not stumbling about like a spider on water.


Music pounded in and out of my ears as I swayed my hips against a new human I found. He was delighted with my actions. I growled lowly when his hands grabbed my lower behind.

I shoved him away and he blubbered out words. Something about me being his sweet baby. A baby I was not, and sweet I doubt it, I had two permanent razer sharp fangs in my mouth. He was hardly a prize should I want to kill him.

I swallowed deeply and looked for my friends, I had come with other vampires, four other vampires.

I felt someone's eyes on me and it made me kind uncomfortable, but it didn't scare me.

I brushed around the crowd and finally found Riley, his eyes looked up at me and I was the blood on his stained lips. At his side was a smaller wolf member of a pack, the teen rubbed up on him and whined.

Mates perhaps,

I chuckled softly at the thought and whispered my good luck blessings as I went to look for the twins, Charlie and Chance.

After few moments of searching I hand grabbed my waist and pulled me towards them, Charlie growled lowly, I knew it was him because his twin was right in front of me.

"Looking for us, spoiled love."

" You wish I was..." I said chuckling.

They both growled, suddenly I was being thrown over a tall males shoulder. He smelled of the star's, sweet and addicting. I only knew of few shifter that could smell like that and Dragon was a number one contender. I started to lightly slap my face and take extremely deep breaths so I could force my self to sober up and run away.

"Running away won't be an option for you, I won't allow that."

I felt his hand touch the side of my head and I tried to fight his touch but it was strong. My eyes willed to be closed and no matter how I strongly struggled they were closing and fast.



When my eyes opened morning assaulted me threw an open curtain. I hissed in distaste and tried to get out of the bed, however, I did not count for the chain on my wrist, that was anchored onto the deep cement wall.

Boy, didn't that just make my day?

I wrapped both my hands around the chain and pulled angrily, all the while I growled and hissed. Nonetheless, the chain remained in the wall unchanged.

And that curtain remained open.

Whoever stole me knew of the power I had and how much I could use it, I was willing to bet even my father, my Creator, was not able to break this.

What else was there left to do now, I moved my body back to the bed and sat down, at least could wait and see what I was actually dealing with now that I wasn't drunk and it was daylight.

The more I waited, the more it seemed I was abandoned, left, forgotten.

I was trying to pull the cuff off my wrist, my wrist slicked with blood to make the easier to slide off when the door was thrown open and I watched in shock how it bounced off the wall. It took a great deal of strength to move that door I knew that now, it was solid iron.

There was only on able to move that door.

A Dragon.

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