Rolling my eyes, I hop off the stool and say, "I'm going to take a quick shower till you finish breakfast."

"Hey, why don't you give me a hand here?"

"Two are enough."

After breakfast, Louis heads to work as I stay alone with Elliot. It's been two weeks now since I have been off of work, and I'm actually enjoying it way too much for my liking. However, I need to start looking for another job, and something away from coffee shops, seeing as that tires the hell out of me.

I spend the rest of the day cleaning the house, looking for jobs in the journal and playing with Elliot. When it hits one in the afternoon, I start preparing the ingredients for dinner, as Elliot crawls around me.

"Mama!" He says loudly, making me look down at him on the kitchen floor as he sits and laughs. At first, I don't understand what he's hinting at, but when I unintentionally turn the volume of the radio up, and he squeals in happiness again, I understand.

I laugh as I pick him up and sit him on the counter and begin singing, "Just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week."

He begins moving his hands up and down as I dance to the song, laughing every time he squeals happily. Man, I love my baby so much. Nudging my nose against his, I give him a small spoon to play with as I continue with the dinner.

"Elliot, no!" I scold, taking the flour away from him as he laughs and starts licking it from his hand. I kiss his forehead after cleaning his hand and put him down on the floor.

Two hours later, I look out of the window of the house for Evan's bus to drop him off, and soon enough it arrives, but my eyebrows furrow in confusion once I see his grumpy face and dirty clothes. I go and open the door for him.

"Hey, buddy," I say, kneeling to his height. "What happened? Why so sad?"

"John wanted to take my lunch, and, and, when I said no, he pushed me to the ground." He says angrily, and I see the tears slowly forming in his eyes.

I raise my eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell your teacher?"

"Because when she punishes him, he hits me." He breathes heavily.

My mouth drops open. "What? Who is that boy?"

"Mummy, please don't call his mum." He looks up at me with puppy eyes.

I sigh. "I'm not going to do that, because you will have to defend yourself, alright? Don't you ever let him hit you or annoy you. You're Iron Man, aren't you?" I say, mentioning his favourite hero and he sniffs as he nods. "Either you tell your teacher, or tell me, and then I'll handle it."

"Okay, mummy."

"Now, show me your wide smile," I nudge him. "Don't ever want to see you sad."

He nods and I smile at him before I start tickling him, finally hearing his laugh as he keeps trying to take my hand off of him.

He nods and I smile at him before I start tickling him, finally hearing his laugh as he keeps trying to take my hand off of him

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Midnight Shadesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن