I sat down on her bed and Princess Lulu followed. There was silence until she asked

"Trent do u know this place?"

I nodded my head and told her what happened.

"My mother, my brother and I used to live here."

I heard her gasp. I guess that took her for quiet a surprise. Seeing as she always went there as she said. She mustn't have known. She couldn't have known.

"My family was running away from people who wanted us dead. We never knew why but we didn't question it. We kept changing houses and identities, but they always found us. So we moved to the house in the woods. It was hidden well and we thought we could live there with no harm. For a couple of years it was peaceful until we got in contact with the outer world.

Then it all started again but we didn't run. They came while we were home. I was outside playing in the woods, my mother and brother were inside. I ran inside when I heard the crashes and screams. One of the guys had a gun pointed to my mums head. Another guy had my brother hostage with a knife against her throat. I was being held by a man with a strong grip and when I tried screaming and running to my family the man wrapped his arm over my mouth held me down.

They shot my mother and slit my brothers throat right in front of me. The boss of the group came up to me and said a few words. He said that he needed a sidekick from a young age so they could learn easier, so he kidnapped me. I always tried stopping him. He just ignored me.

Then one day we broke into someone's house. The mother was doing the dishes and the little girl was playing her guitar. I saw a little boy hiding but didn't say anything because I knew he would get killed as well. I felt sorry for him. He had to witness the gruesome murders of his family in front of his eyes. I knew that feeling."
When I finished I realised I had tears running down my face and throughout it Lulu had held my hand in a comforting manner. She wiped my tears away and led me back to the castle. By the time we entered I was calm.

I take her to her room and make sure she's okay. I was about to leave and she stopped me.

"What's your surname?"

"Trent bane"

Unknowns P.O.V

He was with her again. It's always Princess Lulu and Trent. You never see them apart. There must be something going on with each other. I'll find out soon. I was watching him. Wherever he went I'll watch. I wouldn't let him see me. I knew how to hide.

He followed the princess to this cottage of some sort in the middle of the woods. He was frozen in his spot and if the princess wasn't there I would've killed him. She always ruins my plans. If she interrupts my plans once more she's going down with him. I don't care wether she's the queen or a slave. She'll be no more. I watch as Trent breaks out of his trance then starts to walk forward.

I run quickly for cover behind another tree so he doesn't see me. But I stand wrong. He turns his head towards my direction searching. He must've seen me I thought to myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I don't dare move until I hear his footsteps fade away into that little house. I follow them in cautiously not daring to make a sound.

I stop outside the door they were in. I place my ear against the door. I hear Trent babble on about how he used to live here and how his family was killed. With that information I turned and ran away. As far as I could from him. He brought back memories I didn't want to resurface. I didn't want to listen to any more bullshit he was feeding to the princess.

If it was true that his family was killed, why wasn't he killed and why did he kill my family? He was a killer. A cold blooded killer who murdered innocent people. I will kill him and do the world justice. I will...

Authors note

Hey everyone! I made this chapter extra long because I am so happy!! My book was #411th on the list and it's the highest it's ever been! Now it's #438 but I'm still proud. Shout out to chrysanthemum24  and xXdreamer_7x for being awesome and voting on all my chapters!!
Last chapter I gave u a whole load of information on Trent! I also made it longer than usual so hope u guys enjoyed it.

I pushed a bit harder this time but i'll really appreciate it if u help me out. If u like the book share it to ur friends. I need ship names!! I have an idea for James and Sienna (Jana) but if u have any ideas plz let me know in the comments! Also I need ship names for Trent and Lulu!! Plzz if u have absolutely any ideas plzz tell me! Comments or Pm.

Bye guys! Read Vote Comment Share 😊✌🏻️
Love y'all!!

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