Chapter 2

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Trent's P.O.V

When Princess Lulu leaves I go back into my room to unpack my things. I unpack my clothes, the money Princess Lulu gave me, my shoes and what's left of the sandwich I started to eat. When I finished unpacking I took a moment to admire my room. It wasn't big like the Princess' or Kings but it was big enough for me. The walls were painted creamy white and the bed was way bigger than I have imagined. It had creamy white clouds on a sky blue quilt.

I walked over to the wardrobe and gasped. It was bigger than my old house I used to live in. It was a walk in closet and had many suits and tuxes hung up on the rails. This room was incredible. I left the closet to see the window bench had 3 sky blue pillows and the big cushion was peachy coloured. I walked towards it and saw the view.

It was the most beautiful view anyone could ever imagine. It was a view of the garden and the maze made of bushes. Behind it you could see the outskirts of the city. Building up higher and higher. I broke out of my trance when I heard a knock on my door. I head towards the door to open it and see Prince James standing there.

I quickly bow down and murmur a good evening your highness to him. He waves away my comment and enters my room. I close the door behind him and he walks into the middle of the room. I politely offer him a seat and he accepts. I have no idea what's going on. I've never really had a prince want to meet with me. In fact I've never had any experiences with royalty apart from this week.

I sit down and wait for Prince James to talk. He clears his throat and looks expectantly at me.

"The day my family and I came to visit your workplace my sister gave you something because my dad was so called being rude to you. What did she give you?"

I didn't know what to say. How did he see what happened between his sister and I. I remember he looked kind of suspicious when he left. That was probably the reason. But the look on the princesses face said she didn't want to tell him anything and honestly I didn't either. I was worried he would take the money away from me and I couldn't have that. I knew I was being extremely selfish but I needed the money and it was a reminder from Lulu to me.

" Your highness I-"

I was cut off when Princess Lulu stormed into the room and marched right up to her brother. She grabbed him by the collar and forced him up.

"What are you doing here?" She said angrily. I knew that she knew what her brother was asking me and she wasn't happy about it. I guess I made the right choice by not saying anything.

"I have come to ask what you gave this filthy boy when dad told him to go back to work"

Princess Lulu growled.

"He is not a filthy boy and you have nothing to prove that I gave anything to him. You just assumed what you wanted so you could get him in trouble for taking things off a princess. Well let me tell you it's none of your business, what he got. So get ur head out of ur ass and mind ur own damn business!" With that she grabbed his arm and pulled him outside the door.

She locked the door and walked back to me. Her eyes were pleading with me. She asked me if I told him anything and I replied with a no. She sighed and plopped herself down in the chair her brother just sat on. There was silence until she spoke.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen. It's just my brother is really overprotective of me and always has to but into things that aren't his business."

I knew what she felt. Angry at her brother, sorry for me.

"It's ok. I understand my sister was annoying like that but I still love her. Do u regret giving me the money though?"

"Of course not. My father treated you disrespectfully and I had to do something to make up for it because I know my brother would never do that."

I nodded my head because I knew what she said was true. Her brother would never had apologised for the Kings behaviour. She got up to leave claiming that she was tired. I didn't disagree with her. Today has been a long day. She left and I took the opportunity to bathe and change into my pajamas. I headed to bed and fell asleep instantly dreaming of the fight that happened today.

Authors note

Hey everyone. Shout out to my Bae 4evaSleepy  for being the first one to vote and comment. Go follow her and read her book! I won't be on for about a week because I'm going on a holiday and it doesn't have wifi there but I'll write a story and when I come back home I'll post it. Hope u all enjoyed the first few chapters.

Bye 😊✌🏽

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