Chapter 5

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Lulus P.O.V

I woke up in the morning feeling groggy and tired. There was a storm overhead and we were ordered to stay inside at all times. I thought about staying in bed all day but then thought better of it and got out of bed. I changed my clothes, brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast then headed towards the Royal work office.

When I got there I saw my parents in the corner reading papers. My brother was no where in sight. I walked up to my dad and sat on his lap. He fake gasped for air.

'Your fatness is killing me, get off me or I'll suffocate.'

He says this while flapping his hands around dramatically.

I laughed at him and leaned over to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. I was a total daddy's girl. When I kissed him, he went crazy in a joking way.  He wiped his cheek with the clothes he was wearing and kept screaming "Ew gross. I got cooties". My dad was hilarious. My mum whacked my dads head for being immature and he quickly sat back down.

We all laughed at my dads childish behaviour before he asked me why I was here.

"I was bored and figured I might as well come here and help you out". My mother smiled and handed me a small sheet of paper. I looked at it and it said the list of invites for a ball. I looked to my mother and said

'I never knew about a ball, what is it for?'.

She smiled and said we are having a ball because James will soon be King and everyone down here has been working too hard. They ought to have a break.

I thought about the idea then nodded agreeing with it. By the time I finished writing and sending out the invites It was lunch time. I headed to the lunch room. My brother was seated there already and my parents followed behind me.

We were served our food and we started eating. I absolutely love food. My brother had a grain of rice stuck on the corner of his mouth. I told him and then he flicked it onto my face. That was disgusting. I flicked it away from me trying to aim it on my brother but it landed on my dad instead. We cracked up laughing.

When we all finished eating the weather had changed. It was now sunny with a rainbow.
I changed into a knee length dress and headed outside. I was wearing my gum boots because there were puddles outside. I skipped through the garden until I got to the woods.

There was a house in the woods that no one knew about except me. I was dancing along one day and got lost in the woods. I tried finding my way back but came across a cottage instead. I walked in and saw old fashioned furniture but it looked different from the first day I saw it. I couldn't place my finger on it.

I walked into the cottage and changed into a tank and shorts. I kept spare clothes in this house in case of emergencies. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and sat on the couch. I got out the book I was hiding under the sofa. I got to reading it and hours had passed. When I looked out the window it was getting dark.

I changed back into my dress and headed back outside. It was very windy. I could smell something coming from the house as I left that I couldn't smell before. It wasn't candles or anything nice, no it smelled of blood.

I ran back towards the castle as fast as I could. I ran and ran and ran. By now the rain had come back and lightning was being struck. I was soaked from head to toe. I tried running away but It felt like I was getting no where. The house was just visible and it looked haunted.

Thunder rumbled and I whimpered. I hated thunder and lightning. I continued to run over broken trees, dead animals and once the castle came into view I breathed a sigh of relief. I stopped running and took it slowly while catching my breath.

There were only a few more steps to go until I reached the garden. As I reached the last step, lightning struck a tree right in front of me and landed so close to me. I tried jumping over it but slipped on a puddle and fell head first onto the tree.

I let out an ear splitting scream.

Blackness spotted my eyes and soon it overtook me.

Authors note

Hey guys! Hope you all like this chapter. I gave u a hint on Trents past with his sister. I decided to write this chapter extra early because I'm really happy!!!

My book is now #517 in historical fiction!!!! Eeeeeeek!!!! I'm soooo happy!

Shoutout to my cousin Amarloveu for being awesome and for having to force her to read my book!!😂😂😂😂😂 love ya!

Anyways sorry for the long authors note! I'll stop talking now.

Plzz read, vote and comment. Thnx and bye 😊✌🏻️

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