God of Passion

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Well, I started this poem with a serious mind. But that was months before. Now the poem terminates with a strange (funny) ending. Hope you like it.

And since this poem talks about philosophy on God, I feel a need to include a note. Should someone find these thoughts offensive ( though I wonder why would anyone ) I ask you not to dwell on this poem any longer. Relax, I don't talk offensive about God. How can I, for God's sake XD


The first thing I do after taking a bath

Is visiting the shrine for half an hour.

I ask god to show me my life's path

And thankfully I offer him a flower.

Once, on my way back from church,

I wondered about God's personality.

Why is he respected so much

By every man of every nationality?

When I returned, I asked my mother,

"Who really is this person God?

Why does the evil by his name shudder?

And why can't he answer me, is he abroad?"

"Who is God?", she smiled and said,

"Is perhaps the most difficult question ever.

Thinking of which millions of men will wade

And except a few no one will know him ever."

A child's mind being vacillating,

I somehow stopped my relentless wondering.

But now I'm grown up and my life's oscillating

And again has started the ceaseless pondering.

Grown a literate, books was what I turned to.

To learn about Him, His friends as well as the Devil, His only fend.

Thus becoming a devotee, a million things I'd to do.

Visiting the temples, learning the verses...my tasks knew no end.

But all those efforts began to feel like vain.

When adversities fell on me like never ending rain.

It was then to God I started to bargain.

My devotion for my life's reign.

"It doesn't work like that." A stranger said.

You are a maker of your own life.

Ride those horses of fate, don't be afraid.

Should anyone come in your way, don't fear from strife."

Soul VerseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang