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Dedicated to Madballzer for being such a great reader and friend!


( About a man betrayed by his 'love' )


You didn't have to do this to me

We were doing so great

Why did you stab and burn me

Why did you make me loving you regret:


Like an angel you shone in my life

Like a devil you cut my heart and stole all light

It was you who decided to be my wife

So why the hell did you put in me this indelible wide bight


My mind once embraced all our memories with love

But now they flew out as a wounded dove

Replaced by red burning flames, the flames that'll scorch you

The flames that hunger to devour you


My heart which cared so deeply about you

My heart which made you the goal of my life

My heart who thought the greatest thing in the world was you

My heart who wanted me to make you my wife


Now realises how stupid it was to trust you


My eyes how stupidly and affectionately would, at you, gawk

But you turned them evil, turned our dove of love into a hatred hawk

Turned these flames of love into flames of hatred which will scorch you

The flames which hunger to devour you


I remember that day when you confessed to be my lover

Hearing that was the best thing I had ever heard

Not even a month had passed and you showed me your true colour

Was it my mistake to believe your every word?


Was it wrong for me to love you?

Was it wrong for me to care about you?

Was I mistaken to see love in your eyes too?

Was it my mistake to believe that you wanted me too?


You stabbed me first and lit up my undead body kept on a sharp hook

Like I was some piece of meat you wanted to cook

I could feel the flames of agony that scorched me

The flames of betrayal that hungered to consume me


Every part of my burning body, my burning heart wanted to hurt you

But do you know what I saw in the bright burning flames that flared around me?

I saw someone suffering much worse than I did, and who it was I know as well as you do

This, what destroyed my hatred was the Divine Justice God promised me


They say some remain even after they die

Until they get revenge they hideout at their lair

my lair is my house; I'm right here at your bed as you lie

Can't you feel the uneasyness in the air


But don't worry, even ghosts like me are less violent than selfish beings like you

Consider it your luck that I still believe in God

In His justice, the greater justice, the flames of which shall scorch you

The flames which will hunger to devour you


It was you who made me realize the purpose of my life

That more than anything what I want is to make you my wife

But you also made me realize this unbelievable creed

That some humans are even more vicious than the nasty demonic breed


Now I glance through your future and what I see is nothing but dark

The darker dark from which you can never lark

I can see that now your life is filled with nothing but nought

And now "May this nought of your life fade away", I surely hope not


Now it's time the Gates Of Hell shall welcome you

It's time I rejoice and see you suffer the same way I had to

Now I see how you tremble with fear and agony as you feel the flames that fike

The flames of hell and the flames of God's and my will alike

The flames of your own deeds shall now scorch you

And consume you, your soul trapping it beneath the dark fires of Tartarus,

Where you shall eternally burn

From the flames of my soul


Soul VerseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon