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( Thoughts of an angel )


When I was going to take birth,

Falling from the heaven where I once resided,

"You're going to a land called Earth"

God told me about my fate, already decided


"Why, what have I done?" Asked a shattered me

For who would want to leave the land of bliss

And enter another world, a world full of lie,

Where people each other always diss


"Earth is not at all like that, dear son

Remember where you were, before coming here?

You were once a human, son

A human so pure that I selfishly brought you here


But now I see below and, in shame,

My eyes weep and my heart aches

For, because of me, this world is never the same

For some are now so cruel and soulless, while others weep in lakes


Do you know how I found you

From among the millions that dwell below?

Do you know why I chose you

From among the millions that fade below?


Because, when I looked at you, your pure self

I couldn't see your flesh or your falls and swells

Within that chaos I'd created, within that dark delf

I could see a shining bright jewel


But when I looked at you closely

I realised how wrong was I

For you were even beautiful than my most lovely,

You were a star in my eye


And now here I'm, a thief

For I've stolen from earth it's light

And made it's everlasting bliss brief

While the dark dances with infinite delight


That's why I want to send you

As the guardian angel, my dear son,

The one who saves those few

Who blaze brighter than sun


I want to remake the land of earth

Into what it once was

A land brighter than this heaven of mirth

A land where stars dance."


Sometimes a poem expresses something the poet had not originally thought of ( doesn't it, samarc:) )
A strange thing happened. Last week I wrote this poem and then I decided to write the rest of the part later. Today, when I tried to start where I'd stopped, I realised I read the poem this time from a different point of view. So, instead of concreting the original theme, I'm going to end here.

Enjoy deciphering different views and do let me know how you liked it !



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