You liked cats. You liked him too // Kenma

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The chilly wind blew on the green leaves moving them. He walked down the park not looking up, playing with his game console as always. The boy named Kenma walked next to you, he was quiet and very observant of others, but he himself was a tough guy to figure out.

You always thought that he was interesting, different from anyone else you met. He kinda resembled a cat, you liked cats. You liked him too.

Intrigued by him you decided to be friends, maybe hoping to be able to figure him out, but it didn't work out that way at all. Instead, you got more questions and not just that, also a crush. As observant as he was he didn't realize you liked him. He did notice you were staring at him now though. For a moment he slightly looked up.

"Hmm... {Y/n} What's up?" He asked before looking back down.

"Ah I'm just thinking... Hey Kenma do you like anyone?"

He didn't answer and then nodded, "Yea I do, you?"

You felt a little jealous of the person, but still smiled, "Me too"

After that we walked in silence for a little while. He had gone back to playing his console while you decided to look around the park instead. It was summer and everything was warmer now, you enjoyed how the park looked in the summer days. The sun's light reflected against the lake that flowed throughout the entire park, everything looked beautiful.

Suddenly Kenma stopped, his cheeks had turned red and it looked like he was gathering the courage to say something, "A-actually... The person I like is-"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by the third member of your close friend group, Kuroo, who appeared out of nowhere and suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist.

'Dam it Kuroo, just as he was about to tell me who he likes!' You thought.

"Hey {Y/N}." He winked and then looked over at Kenma and said a hi to him.

Then Kenma grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, "Actually Kuroo we have to go" He says and starts running while pulling me along, both me and Kuroo left puzzled.

He pulled me behind a tree and then realizing what he had done turned red, "S-sorry {Y/N} it's just that like the person I like is you and I mean I know you don't like me back b-but I got jealous and I-"

He was cut off when you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, "I like you too..."

He smiled sweetly, his eyes sparkling as if he just got a new game, "Well I like you more."


The end
Kenma is such a cutie like honestly I love him so much💞

The end✨Kenma is such a cutie like honestly I love him so much💞

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Anyways how was it? I hope you guys liked it!


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