I growled "You could have just mind linked or waited, I am busy"

"I can see that, but to the Pack Doctor you made it seemed urgent" my eyes narrowed.

"Leave" he bowed his head again and walked away. I heard a groan from behind me and turned seeing Quinn moving. Her eyes opened at me lazily.

"Babe who was that?"

"Carter" I closed the door and walked back to the bed. I laid back down my back to her. I felt her cold touch on my skin and she started to kiss my neck.

"Round two baby?" Her voice was low again. I growled in approval and turned over kissing her roughly.


Alpha a voice boomed in my head and I mentally groaned.

What is it now Carter?! I barked back starting to put my pants on after a shower. I kicked Quinn out earlier. She did her job.

Rouges. They request to take a prisoner that said you have took. They won't tell me who. I slid on a shirt and started to speed walk out.

I'm on my way. Where are you?

North side gate. I shut off the mind link and rushed out. Who the hell are they here for?

Within a minute I made it to the North Side Gate seeing a few pack members standing guard at the entrance of the gate. I couldn't see who was there and pushed a pack warrior aside.

"State your business rouges" now I can see clearly. Two men and a girl. The Woman stood in between the two, she seemed to have an aura of power radiating off her.

"You seem to have a runt that belongs to us in your captivity" her voice was raspy.

"I know not what you speak of" I added a sneer at end and crossed my arms on my chest.

"A woman. Up for a bounty in the rouge community. She is a Beta's Mate. She came not to long ago" I gritted my teeth.

"Don't play games rouge. I need more description" she reached into pocket of her jacket and pulled out a paper.

She then handed me the sheet a picture on it. "Her name is Emerald Green. Mate was Dylan Green. She looks like that and she was reported hurt with scars when she escaped. She is blind and her wolf is a Silver wolf. She originally belonged to LeafWood Pack" looking at the picture it sure enough was Emerald.

My eyes narrowed at the picture. I growled lowly crumbling the picture tossing it on the ground. "She belongs to this pack as a prisoner and is no treat to rouges"

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Sorry but I didn't hear you pup" she popped the p at the end.

Did she just call us a pup? My wolf growled and I felt my eyes go yellow.

"I said that this Runt belongs to this pack as a prisoner and is not. A. Rouges. Treat" I spat at her and she immediately submitted by whimpering at my tone.

"Diabolus est caput tuum" her voice was stern.

"Tell Mortem I said hello" I sneered back. "You have ten seconds to get off my territory" even the men around her whimpered and they ran away with their tails in between their legs. I sighed and felt my eyes shift back to their cold dead eyes.

"Alpha. What are we to do?" Carson stood with his hands behind his back. I stared at him for a moment.

"Make sure that these walls are reinforced and protected" I looked at all the guards standing and they replied quietly,running off.

"I'm going to talk with a runt"

Authors note
Hello my lovelies
Plz plz plz plz plz give this book some love and share it with others. I want to at least try and get this book noticed!

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What you think about Ruder? Douche much?

The devil will have your head (I know it's not proper Latin, I used google translate)

Mortem- Death

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