Big Sister Rises

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"Jenna, there was no one else who could have gotten me and Jeremy through all of that," Elena tells her.

"It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you," Jenna tells her with evident tears.

"But you didn't," Elena says, kneeling down, "you put your entire life on hold to help us."

"Look around, Elena. I failed you," Jenna breathes out.

"No. You didn't. I failed you. I'm so sorry. Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt, but it also makes you stronger and faster you can fight back. I'm gonna get through this. I'll be okay. I need you to believe that. Promise me, when you get the chance..." Elena places a finger to her lips and whispers "run."

"Okay," Jenna whispers back.

Klaus approached Jenna, "Hello, Jenna."

Both the Gilbert and Sommers girls get up and look at their captor.

"Let her go. I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena pleads and starts to walk closer to the flames, resulting in a bigger fire, and she backs away.

"Careful," Klaus taunts.

"Elena, don't," Jenna commands.

"No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family," Elena tells her and then turns to Klaus. "I followed your rules; I did everything you asked. I didn't run. Please."

"Well, well," Klaus says, looking up to Stefan Salvatore. "I don't recall you being on the guest list."

"I'm here to talk," Stefan tells him.

"Very well, then," Klaus complies, looking at Jenna before speeding up to Stefan. "What can I do for you Mr. Salvatore?" If Klaus had known his dead sister was in slow agonising pain because of his sacrifice and the only way to stop it was to complete the sacrifice, he wouldn't be wasting time and stopping to have a chat.

"Mother?" Kordeila asks, voice low as a whisper.

"Yes, darling," Esther artificially smiled down her eldest daughter, who was on her knees and clutching her chest.

"W-what's happening to me?" she breathes out as tears stream her face.

"You're returning, Kora," her mother tells her in a sweat voice she used to use.

"I-" Kordeila gasps as she feels an imaginary stake strike her back harshly. The second eldest Mikaelson tries to regain face, only to be pierced through the heart by an unseen wooden weapon. She lets out a bloodcurdling scream as Esther watches. In the land of the living, Jenna had just died.

"It's going to be alright, darling," she tells her daughter.

"Mother," she cries, "I'm not alright."

"It's time," Klaus says as Elena's circle of fire disperses. Klaus puts a hand out for Elena, but she gets up and walks past it. She gets to the altar and looks down at Jenna's lifeless body. Her veiny face hurt Elena terribly. Klaus walks up and takes Elena's face in his hands, he turns her face to look at him.

"Thank you, Elena."

"Go to hell," she growls.

Klaus starts to drain Elena of her blood as Stefan helplessly watches his girlfriend die. Elena's eyes roll back in her head and her eyelids flutter closed. Klaus lets her go and she drops to the ground. Klaus's mouth drops with blood as the bowl's flames die out. Stefan looks at the dead Elena, sadly, before lowering his head in defeat.

Kordeila's body feels limp and she passed out

"I can feel it. It's happening!" Klaus exclaims and looks to the moon. His bones start to crack and shift as he starts to transform. His eyes glow golden yellow, but the veins still creep under them as a vampires eyes would.

"Yes! Yes!" he shouts. Klaus is suddenly thrown through the air and the flames in the bowl reignite, startling Greta. Bonnie comes down the hillside as she chants a spell, but before Greta has the chance to stop her, Damon snaps her neck. Damon picks up Elena's lifeless body as Bonnie continues to chant.

"No! You were dead!" Klaus yells at the witch. Klaus' body contorts as he screams in pain. Klaus spots his brother approaching, "Elijah?" Bonnie stops her spell at the sight of the other original.

"Hello, brother," Elijah greets before plunging his arm into Klaus' chest and gripping his heart. "In the name of our family, Niklaus," Elijah twists his brother's heart.

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus confesses.

"What?" Elijah asks with surprise.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you will never find them," Niklaus bribes, already cooking up and evil plan.

"Elijah, Don't listen to him!" Stefan commands.

"Elijah, I can take you to them. I give you my," Klaus tells him, trying to strike a deal. Elijah contemplates if he should kill his brother or set him free in hopes of seeing his family again.

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie declares.

"You'll die," Elijah explains.

"I don't care," Bonnie shrugs.

Elijah looks up at Klaus, making a decision, and looks back up to Stefan and Bonnie, "I'm sorry."

"No!" both Stefan and Bonnie yell as they run to Elijah and Klaus, but before they can reach them, Elijah speeds away with his brother.

After the tragic day was over and Elena had awoken, the Salvatores returned home to a passed out blonde girl in their parlor. She wore an old, bloodstained, ripped dress from the early 17th century and was covered in dirt. Her hair was tangled and she almost seemed dead, but their heard her undead heartbeat.

"Who the hell?" Damon questioned himself more than Stefan.

"I don't know," Stefan tells him truthfully. Kordeila gasps awake and sits straight up.

"W-" she looks around, unable to complete a simple sentence.

"Hello," Damon greets when her eyes stop on the brothers, "I'm Damon and this is Stefan."

"W-where am I?" she asks, nervously glancing around.

"You're in my house," Damon growls, loosing his fake smile.

"Damon," Stefan scolds, looking over at his brother. "Hi, I'm Stefan. What's your name?"

"I-" she looks up at him and stands to her feet, "Kordeila Mikaelson. Am I alive?" Damon would've pounced at her, but the question she asked stopped him.

"Why wouldn't you be alive?" He asked her.

"My father killed me," she tells him, "but, my mother said I was returning. She didn't say where I'd return to."

"You're in Virginia," Stefan explains and Kordeila furrows her eyebrows.

"Virginia," she says, tasting the word, "is this the Americas?"

"Yes," he tells her with a small smile.

"I don't recall being in America when I was killed. Why am I here?" she confusedly asks.

"I'm not sure. Are you Klaus' sister?" Stefan asks, causing Kordeila's eyes to light up and a smile to appear.

"You know my brother?" she questioned excitedly.

"Sure," Damon smiles, "we can take you to him, too!"

"That'd be brilliant!" she smiles wide, unaware of her danger in this very room. She was being deceived and had no clue. Damon sped to her and cracked her neck. Her body fell limp into Damon's arms as Stefan questioned his ways, almost forgetting she was a Mikaelson. Damon brought her to the cellar and she was locked away with one click of the door.

Kordeila would be furious when she awoke, especially since they scammed her with the hope of seeing her family again. Damon and Stefan stood no match agains the girl, and they'd see that when she woke back up in the morning.

The Story of Kordelia Mikaelson [1] [editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu