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Nyxle Quinn-------->

Third Person's POV

-Nyx is 8 and Jack is 3-

"No Daddy! Weave Jack awone! Don't hurt him!" Harleen Nyxle Quinzel, the Daughter of the Joker and Harleen Quinzel (aka Harley Quinn), cried out desperately.

Joker was threatening to kill the crying boy that looked like a carbon copy of his father: green hair, white skin, red lips, electric blue eyes, Jack was definitely going to be a heart breaker when he got older.

Nyx broke free from her mother's grip and dashed towards the wailing Jack, getting slashed a crossed the back as she covered her brother.

A few tears slipped from her eyes, but she grabbed her brother, none-the-less and cradled him, Jack beginning to go silent as she continued to get him quiet.

Joker glared and yanked Jack from Nyx's arms, handing the sleeping boy to Harley, "Get him out of here, Harley. I need to teach Nyx a lesson" he had growled.

His daughter stared at him solemnly.

"Why so serious?" Joker cackled as Harley hurriedly ran out of the room, Jack held tightly in her arms.

Nyx continued to stared.

Blood poured from her back.

"Open wide" Joker demanded.

She did as told.

He shoved the knife in her mouth.

She didn't flinch.

He'd done this before. He put the knife in her mouth, and act as if he was going to carve a smile into her face like his father did to him, though, he'd pull the knife out after a moment of the girl having a panic attack.

She stared at him, bored.

She pulled her head back, from the knife.

He gripped her head to hold her still. He'd done that as well.

"You think I'm acting now, Nyxle?" He said.

She stared at him, mute.

He pressed the knife to the left corner of her mouth. Her eyes widened from a fraction of a second, though Joker saw.

He pierced the skin, beginning to carve into her face.

Tears mixed with blood.

The flaps of her skin dangled.

She kept her jaws closed or her mouth would be dangling.

She stared up at her father.

"Now you match Daddy" He cackled.

She tugged on his pants leg.

He looked at her. Normally a child would be screaming bloody murder or crying horribly.

She turned and he saw where he had cut her when he meant to kill Jack.

He sighed, rolling his eyes, before, lifting her up and placing her on the counter as he grabbed some needle and thread and gauze.

He seemed to regain a bit of sanity for a few moments.

He stitched her up and she placed her hand under her jaw and said, "Daddy, i see?" and he grabbed a mirror that was lying around.

He held the mirror up as she looked at her carved smile.

Joker had stitched her smile up.

She gently touched her new smile.

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