Sometimes things dont go as planned...

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We all arrived back at the district since we know that Dante is on the move and he has Erin. When we arrived I told mouse to track Erin and Dantes phone.
Mouse got right to track their phone and I was watching him do it. I got something Mouse said. Ok, where are they? I asked it appears that they are on Main Street. He said.

Let me go there alone and get her, back it's my fault he had here. Jay said. Jay, you know I'm not gonna let you do that. And it's not your fault. I said.

Ok, here's what we are going to do. First everyone go home and get some sleep, be back here at 7:00am. We are going to the location at 7:30 sharp. Don't be late, mouse make sure they stay there I don't care how you do that but if they move you call me. And Jay your coming home with me. I said. No offense sarge, but can I ask why? Jay asked. Jay, it's because I know that you will go there alone if no one is watching you. I said I think I can contain myself from going to get her alone. Jay, end of discussion your coming with me. I said. Got it sarge. Jay said

Erin's POV
Maine street
All I can think about is Jay and how worried he must be, but I have to stay strong since we have our family to worry about. I need to stay strong for them. All I know is that I'm in a moving caring but I don't know what direction we are going in. I know that there is some type of button you can hit from the inside of the trunk and it will open but I don't think I could get away from him without endangering the twins. The best thing for me is to do whatever Dante wants me to do.

Jays POV
Hanks house
I would say this is weird being at Voight's house but I've been here before with Erin but being here without her is definitely weird. Especially since he is having me sleep in Erin's old room, and surprisingly it's very organized. Erin is a messy person I bet Voight cleaned her room up a bit after she moved out. I better get some sleep before we have to be back at work tomorrow morning.

Hanks POV
Hanks house
It's weird having Jay up in Erin's old room. Although he has slept up their with Erin. I did clean and organize that room when she moved out because her room was always messy. I know for a fact that I won't sleep until we find her.

Next morning

Jays POV
I was able to get a little bit of sleep which is very surprising I bet Hank didn't get any sleep. I got up and went downstairs and Hank was already downstairs looking at pictures of Erin when she lived with him. You ready sir? I asked yes, let's go find her. He said. We drove to the district and all I could think about was Erin. I could only think of all the bad things that could be happening to her. Once we arrived we went to go suit up and once the rest of the team arrived we headed out.

Hanks POV
Mouse is his phone signal still on main st? I asked
Yes, sir. He said let's move out then. I said
When we arrived at main st I saw that their was and abandon building and I knew that it had to be the one that Erin was in.

Here's the plan, Adam and olinsky you guys go around back. Antonio, Jay and I will take the front check every inch of this place she has to be here. I said

We got inside and all I could think about was that Erin has to be in here, if she isn't then I might have a panic attack.

Erin's POV
Empty warehouse
All I know is that I'm in this empty warehouse and  hoping that I'm found soon bc I don't know how much longer I can do what Dante wants me to do. If he just gives me a phone I can call the people he needs to get his crew out of prison but he doesn't trust me. I know that if he just trusts me we both will be happy he gets his crew back and I get to go be with Jay again.

Well well looks like you still haven't contacted the people you need to in order to leave. He said I told you that I need a phone to get contact with them but you won't trust me. I said. Well that's because I know you'll call your team, but that's not gonna happen. He said

Dante, there are some cars that just rolled up you expecting someone? Steve asked

Steve works for Dante and is helping him.

No, what kind of cars? He asked. A black SUV and some other really nice cars? He said. Are there any police lights flashing. Dante asked. No sir. He said. We gotta move they're cops looking for her. Dante said.

Get everything in the car then come back and get here I'll distract them. Dante said

Jays POV
Empty warehouse

We arrived at the warehouse and all I can think is that Erin is in there somewhere. What the plan sarge? I asked. Adam and olinsky go around back, Jay, Dawson, and I will take the front make sure you're all wearing vests, get the long guns. Voight said

We head inside and we clear the rooms one by one. I hear Adam yelling at something and I go over and see him yelling at Dante. CPD drop it!!! I yell. Then I see Erin being taken away by this other guy that must be helping Dante.

Don't move or you'll be breathing from your head. Voight said. Go Steve go! He ran as fast as he could he was distracting us so that he could also run. They both were running and we pointed out guns at Dante and the next thing I know is that Erin is on the ground bleeding...

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