Tsunade looked at Anna then leant back into her chair and shut her eyes, “on a mission” she said coldly, Anna looked at her taking a step forward “where is she?” Tsunade moved a little “on a mission” again Anna moved a little more “where is the mission” this got Tsunade’s eye to open, “I am unable to tell you where as it is classified an-” Anna slammed her hands on the table making everyone jump in the room, “how long is she away for” she said angrily, taking a few breaths in before she spoke again “again that is classified information I can’t tell you anything about Becky’s mission apart from she’s safe” Tsunade said with annoyance in her voice.

Anna still staying in the same procession and looked at her directly in the face “does Gaara know?” as she said that she leant backwards and crossed her arms, Tsunade looked at Anna “why would he know?” she said with a raised eyebrow, Anna looked at her with plain anger “hes a bloody Kazekage and her boyfriend he has a right to know and he certainly has a level of clearance that makes him allowed to know” she said shouting at the top her lungs at Lady Tsunade who is now stood up at is now face to face with Anna “yeah so, no he doesn’t know, it has nothing to with the sand village there for there is no need to tell him, your sister knows that which is why she hasn’t said anything to anyone especially him” she said her fists raised and smashed onto the desk breaking it into planks of wood, Kakashi took hold of Anna’s shoulders, “I need to know when she is back so she can with me if I get pregnant or if I end up having an asthma attack or if I suddenly get to concerned for her well-being and stop eating” Anna said as she stayed put “Becky would of told me, she trusts me enough to tell me unless…” Tsunade stopped moving towards her, as she looked at Shizune and Anna then looked back at Tsunade “she hasn’t been kidnapped has she?” she said almost in a whisper Tsunade smiled softly, “no she hasn’t she’s fine, she’s under cover in a tricky situation and is doing well, however I can’t tell you where because I am sure that if Naruto who is sat on the window sill would go after her and give her hand… right Naruto”, with that Naruto entered the room from the window and smiled at her, and looked at Anna and nodded “yeah probably” Anna laughed and looked at Tsunade, “promise me she is safe” Tsunade nodded and looked at everyone in the room, “I promise” Anna looked at her “pinkie promise?” Tsunade looked at Anna in confusion, as she presented her pinkie to her, Anna then got hold of Tsunade’s hand and wrapped there pinkies together “pinkie promise” Tsunade looked at her and laughed.

As 6 months passed,  Zane returned back to the dragon summoning world only to be tackled by Becky, “hah I got you-” Becky looked at the plank of wood she had underneath her, “you what?” he questioned in sarcasm, Becky just sighed in defeat as she flopped on her back, “so where did you go?” She asked casually Zane shrugged “for a walk” was all he said, Becky rolled her eyes at his reply, she got up and put her head phone in and played Diamond by Rihanna, as she hummed and sang along to the tune and twirled with the music and skipped around the small area she was in, jumping on top of the water, and looked to the sky “shine bright like a diamond” she said as she took a breath in and then gave a small smile ‘I miss home, well, I miss Gaara, eek I hope, he hasn’t actually realised that I am not actually on a mission…’ she said as she watched the purple and pinkish sky as the sun was setting, she could see a few stars appear as they took their seats in the soon to be night sky, she sighed once more when Zane appeared behind her acting shy, and a little nervous, “you alright?” she asked him with a raised eyebrow, he nodded and the took a step next to her then turned to look her in the eyes, “I have something really important to tell you” he said with a serious look, Becky’s smile shrank away and she slightly tilted her head back while taking a small step back, “I’m…” he paused then just looked at her

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