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About two hours later Donnie opened his eyes to see he was laying on a bed. He shot up into a sitting position, instantly regretting it.
Donnie leaned over the side of the bed threw up onto the tiled floor. After Donnie was finished puking his guts out onto the floor he took a minute to realize where he was.
He saw that there was a large window on one of the walls but he couldn't tell what it overlooked. The light was too bright.
There was the white bed Donnie laid on which had now rumpled sheets tucked onto. The walls and floor were all the same shade of light blue and they even matched the chairs.
After surveying the room Donnie noticed that his weapons and tools were gone.
"Where tha hell am I," he muttered to himself.
He was about to move to get up when a short white haired girl walked in. "Oh you're awake! Great!" She exclaimed obviously excited to see him.
She started to move towards him but Donnie stopped her by holding his upraised palm towards her.
"Woah there kid before you do anything you are gonna answer some questions."
This caused an appalled look to cross her face. "Kid!? I'm sixteen!"
"Really? You seem a bit... short." Donnie said this with a raised eyebrow.
Donnie backed off of the subject upon seeing her glare.
"Well on to the questions. Question 1: where on Earth am I."
"Earth?" She muttered under her breathe without him hearing.
"You are in my home," she said while gesturing to herself. "And I don't know of this 'earth' place you were talking about but you're on Remnant. In Atlas to be more specific."
This fact caused Donnie to sputter a bit.
"R-Remnant!? Where the hell is Remnant!?" As Donnie heard this he got frantic, starting to look around quickly.
The girl took a while explain Remnant, the kingdom, and the creatures of Grimm to Donnie.
After calming down he asked his second question:"how did I get here," she once again explain summoning to him.
"So you're telling me that you," Donnie said after hearing her explanation ,"just magically summoned me from another damn dimension," he asked.
Weiss nodded and asked "so is there anything else that you want to know?" To this Donnie replied with "Yeah. Where's me stuff?"
Weiss gave him a strange look as if she hadn't heard what she said. After a moment it seemed as if she had worked around his Irish accent.
"Oh that! Well I think my sister placed them in the courtyard."
"Ya mind bringin' me?" Before Weiss could even reply Donnie was walking out of the room.
"Hold up sir I'll bring you." Weiss said while moving after him. She took Donnie by the arm to lead him to the courtyard since he was currently walking in the opposite direction of it.
Upon arriving in the courtyard Donnie stopped to stare at his surroundings in amazement. The courtyard was filled with exotic flowers of all colors and sizes.
But the thing that really caught Donnie's eye was the astounding view of the city.
He was broken out of his trance by Weiss who was beckoning for him. Donnie walked over and upon noticing what was on the table his eyes lit up.
Weiss took this as a good sign and began to examine his possessions.
Donnie began the inspection of his weapons starting with the small shovel he used for hand to hand combat.
He picked up the shovel and scoured it with his eyes. You could use a good wash old girl. He thought when he noticed the mud and blood splattered across it.
"What are those red marks on your shovel?" Weiss asked, causing Donnie to raise his eyebrows. "Oh those," he replied while pointing to said marks. "You don't wanna know trust me."
After placing the shovel on his back he reached for the Webley. Like the rest of his things it was splattered with mud. Donnie opened up the revolving ammo canister on it and counted the remaining unfurled rounds.
He was satisfied to find no bullets out of place.
Donnie at that point had already strapped his bayonet sheath to his along with his pistol when he noticed Weiss starting to mess with his rifle.
"Careful with that," Donnie exclaimed while snatching away his weapon.
"Don't want you shooting nobody kid." Donnie added in the "kid" part to irritate Weiss. He had noticed her anger at being called such earlier.
This earned another glare from the white haired girl.
"Allow me to introduce myself," Donnie started, having realized that he had not done such earlier. He began again swelling up his chest in pride.
"I am Private Donnie McManus of the Irish Fusiliers, Company B!"
Weiss just gave him a questioning look and gave Donnie an offer he had no choice but to accept.
To become a member of the world of Remnant and serve as her bodyguard.

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