In Pale Hands

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      Donnie looked at himself in the mirror, his face was freshly shaved and he had run a comb through his light brown hair. He looked at the reflection of the suit coat and tie hanging from the bathroom door. The coat was a size too big and was brought with him from the Schnee Manor, the size was intentional. A trick meant to conceal the belt he usually had slung across his chest, holster hanging near his left armpit.

        He slid the coat and tie on before looking back at his reflection; he thought he looked rather odd in the suit, but he couldn't attend the dance in his school uniform. And besides, he liked being able to keep armed. It was something he had picked up from attending the famous Schnee parties; standing in the corner to protect the elite of another world was made a little better knowing the familiarity of his Webley was within reach. Well that and Weiss when she could find a moment to escape the crowd.

        His thoughts went to her now, he thought about how she had seemed annoyed with him before leaving to help put the finishing touches on the ballroom. "Whatever it is I'm certain I'll make it up to her," his reflection seemed to mirror the sentiment. The door clicked behind him as he left for the dance.


        By the time he entered the ballroom night had fallen and a crowd had already gathered inside. Yang greeted him from behind her podium at the door, "You clean up nicely Don!"

        "What, this? I feel like I look ridiculous."

        "You look great. I'm sure Weiss will like it," she said with a wink.

        Donnie felt his face heat the smallest bit. "You don't say," he scanned the dance floor, "Where is she by the way?" Yang jammed her thumb over her shoulder, "Last time I saw her she was checking the tables. Something about checking on the flowers."

        He thanked her and made his way past the dancing students and spotted Weiss leaning over a table. She was trying to force a single, wilted rose back into position with her finger. He walked up behind her, she didn't notice him until he spoke up.

       "Having fun?"

       She wheeled around to face him, momentarily startled. "Good evening Donnie," she said in an attempt to regain her composure. Donnie wasn't sure why but a part of him was nervous. He thrust the rose at her, "Don't suppose this could help with that poor rose you've been holding up?"
    "Um, well thank you. You didn't take this from one of the other tables did you?"
    He scratched the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "No, that was something I found myself."
    Weiss ducked her head a moment before looking back up at him. "Would you care to dance Donnie," she asked softly.
    "I would like that very much yes."
    She grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor where a slow song had just begun to play. The rose had been left beside its wilted twin.
    On the dance floor she clutched his hands and guided him in the proper technique. Their difference in height forced him into a slight hunch swaying awkwardly to the music. It wasn't something Donnie was used to dancing to and he had to be careful not to step on her toes but he found that it didn't matter to him in that moment. He found that he rather liked dancing with Weiss Schnee.
    The song soon gave way to something faster, and as the other party goers made their way to the floor Weiss guided them back to the sidelines. "That was rather fun," said Donnie, who at that moment could not find it in himself to wipe away the smile painting his face. Weiss, who had taken a seat and seemed a little pink about the cheeks, smiled back, "Yes it was."
    Donnie was just about to sit down when he saw something that managed to dampen his smile. He spotted the unmistakeable white coat, the dark vest and undershirt, that singular, white glove. "Well I'll be damned."
    Weiss noticed the whispered statement and followed his gaze. As soon as she saw him she knew what Donnie wanted to do, "Donnie McManus don't you dare." The warning cooled his temper a little as he began his approach. "I just want to speak with him Weiss. Just a quick 'how do you do' and that's that."
    She didn't seem convinced and crossed her arms at him.
    "Look if you think I'm going a little far with it feel free to interrupt."
    At last the look relented, "Just go Donnie. And I will be watching."
    Donnie nodded, "And that's part of why I like you princess."
    As he left he didn't notice the pink in her cheeks turning to red.
    Donnie approached the man in white with a determined stride, turning his attention for a second look at the red-headed girl dancing between the armed contingent of Atlesian soldiers. "Good evening General," came the terse greeting. He turned towards Donnie, there was a flash of recognition in his eyes.
"Ah yes Donnie McManus, how have you been?"
"Oh I've been fine General Ironwood," the title came out like he didn't enjoy the taste. Donnie jabbed a finger at him, "You really seem to enjoy throwing your weight around don't you?"
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."
"Oh don't give me that nonsense. You know just what I mean; the ships, the soldiers, and the patrols all over Beacon and Vale. Why I have half a mind to-"
"Mr. McManus!"
The voice stopped him cold. For the first time he looked past General Ironwood and found Professor Goodwitch glaring back at him. When she stepped further into view the jabbed finger curled back into his hand. "Now is neither the place nor the time." "I-Well I- just wanted to-"
    "I know just what you wanted to say," a glare was cast at the General, "But I don't think tonight is the night for it." She looked over his shoulder at Weiss who was staring daggers at his back. "Tonight is for celebrating. Save all the fighting for some other day. Besides I believe someone is waiting for you."
    Donnie looked back at Weiss and deflated a bit under her stare, "Aye, I think that may be best."
    "I don't know why I even let you do that. I knew you would try something."
"I know I couldn't help myself."
She strode past him and made her way to the stairs leading up to the outdoor balcony. Donnie made to follow but caught the eye of Yang who had watched the altercation from nearby.
     "I feel I've been a terrible fool. I am aren't I?"
     Yang shrugged, "Probably."
     "You wouldn't happen to have any advice on this would you?"
     "Donnie I think this is something you have figure out for yourself." Yang jabbed her thumb towards the stairs. Donnie picked up on the signal continued on his path up the stairs, passing Jaune and Pyrrha as he went.
      Weiss was leaning against a railing and looking out over Beacon. Donnie was still thinking of what he was going to say when she turned and met his eyes. He fumbled for his words, "I-I wanted to apologize for... how I acted with the General." He stopped and waited for a response.
     "Is that all?"
     "Well I-," he felt his face heat up a bit, "I suppose I wasn't thinking of your feelings on it."
     "Yes that does seem to be something you haven't been doing a lot of these past few days."
     "Wait what's that supposed to mean?!"
     The glare returned and she gestured with her hands at the dance inside. "
     "I helped plenty with setting up the dance."
     "No you dolt not that! The dance itself, you never asked me to it!"
     "Well why would I if I knew you were already going to be there?!"
     Her response came with a smack on the side of his head, "You idiot I still wanted you to ask me!" The red returned to her cheeks when she realized what she had said. This time Donnie noticed and he felt the heat begin to slip back into his own. There was a silence while they both collected their thoughts. At last an idea came into his head. "Well in that case." Donnie bent low in an exaggerated bow and reached for Weiss' hand.
     "Weiss Schnee, would you like to attend the dance with me?" After a moments pause there came a giggle and the feeling of a hand entering his own. He looked up and was greeted by a smiling face. "So, was that a yes?" "You dolt," she cried as she pulled him into a hug. The creeping heat exploded in his face. When Weiss pulled away he noticed her face had gone beet-red and a part of himself knew his wasn't any different.
      It was now that he noticed that the music was drifting onto the balcony, another slow song was playing; the sound of a violin encouraging couples to danced in each other's arms. Weiss turned away, "That's a rather nice song. I believe it's time we rejoined the dance."
      "We don't have to." She looked at him questioningly. He extended his hand to her again, "Would you like to dance some more Princess?" Again came the giggle (now that he thought about it he found her giggle to be rather cute) and she took his hand again. Together they swayed in the light cast by the ballroom stopping only when music did. Taking it as their cue, they walked back inside. To Donnie's surprise Weiss didn't let go of his hand until they began making their way to the dance floor. They were only part way down the stairs when they both received a call on their scrolls. The calls were from Ruby.
    Weiss was the first to answer and Donnie recognized the shouting voice on the other end as being unmistakably Ruby. It took a moment for Weiss to call her down before they could finally understand what she was saying. "General Ironwood is here and someone broke in and we fought and she escaped!"
"Ruby where are you!?" This was from Yang who Donnie could see near the dance floor she was standing not far from Blake. They locked eyes and he could see the worry in them from the stairs.
"At the CCT tower."
By the time Donnie and Weiss had reached the first floor Yang was already out the door at a dead run, Blake at her heels. They hurried to follow. None of them noticed the group of dancers watching them as they left.
The three of them found their team leader and the general waiting for them in front of the tower. Scattered everywhere were the bodies of Atlesian soldiers. Whether they were still breathing Donnie couldn't tell. Ruby's dress was torn and singed in a few places and he could see Crescent Rose tucked under her arm.
Yang ignored the general and immediately set to inspecting Ruby for injuries. Donnie nodded at the general and looked around. He noticed a contingent of soldiers. He fought off a chill when he noticed many of them were actually the stiffly moving machines that Atlas had seemed so proud of lately. He noticed a few of them break off with human soldiers to inspect the bodies.
He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the general. "Let's save the questions for tomorrow. Ms. Rose you will be expected to meet us for a statement in the headmaster's office tomorrow morning."
Ruby took the initiative and began to walk away. Yawning as she went. The rest of team RWBY caught up to her and Blake Yang leaned in over her shoulder.
"Tell us everything."
Hi guys sorry this took so long. Kinda got a lot of college stuff going on and didn't feel like writing that much during my free time. Not sure when the next chapter is coming but thank you everyone who has stuck around for my terrible update habits.

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