Dagger (Chapter I) I Can't Compete with a Shark

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Drew, marine biologist, played fetch with a tiger shark. She swam with killer whales at night. She loved to sit on the pier while dolphins lined up to have her stroke their noses each morning.

When their ocean began to die, they knew the perfect human to help. Hopefully, she could look past the loved ones they took from her over the last ten years. If not, there's always blackmail.


"REMEMBER, YOU GAVE me your word, no swimming with the killer whales tonight," Jack reminded her... again. "We'll go out tomorrow night, I promise." His words tickled down her face as he spoke against her temple. "The E.R. is swamped this time of year, Drew. Vacationers and saltwater," he said, shaking his head, "is a bad mix. So, please no killer whales tonight."

Drew knew she was the worst liar, but this promise she could make. She wasn't looking for her whale, Bandit, tonight, although she liked swimming with the curious mammal, he came off as a rebellious teen at times, needing attention. No, tonight, she needed T-Bone-she needed to vent. Not that T-Bone ever answered her when she spoke to him, that would freak her out, but he never left the pier until she stopped talking, like a real pet-or dare she say-friend.

The dreams she's had over the last month with a blue, seven-foot-tall man became disturbingly real. The emotional connection pressed her mind, made her afraid to open her eyes at night, convinced he lay beside her. She even entertained the thought of it being her dead fianc\u00e9, Malcolm, visiting her dreams as a different man. A blue man. Maybe the glass of Hypnotic colored her dreams. Why else would she dream in blue?

Eight months ago, they declared Malcolm lost at sea. Jack, who she's known since her parents died ten years ago, proved an amazing and patient friend.

Nevertheless, they both knew dating with their schedules would be difficult... a doctor and a marine biologist. She'd need to have an accident just to get him alone for more than three minutes. At least then, she'd be on a bed. If the hospital wasn't just up the street, this visit would be a text message. Absently, she picked at the V-neck of his scrubs, smiling up at him.

"Don't worry about it... there are other fish in the sea," she joked, then bit her lip. She could've kicked herself. Why did she say that that? "Jack, I didn't mean..."

"That's not funny, Drew," he told her, backing her up against the deck railing. "I'm dating Dr. Dolittle." Drew gave in to the pull and leaned into the loving caress of his lean body. The faint scent of laundry detergent told her he'd thrown on fresh scrubs. He was still on duty. A clean, masculine scent rose from his warm skin as his muscled arms closed around her back, pulling her tight to his chest.

"I know I gave you a scare last time. I don't swim with Bandit unless he's alone. He's selfish." She watched his beautiful, soft brown eyes and knew their romantic relationship would not survive another scare.

"Drew," he said. "I see enough tragedy coming through triage at the hospital; don't have me working on you one night because Bandit or T-Bone used you for volleyball or worse, because they've developed a taste for chocolate." Jack complained and rubbed absently across her back. She moaned low in her throat-he had the best hands. He stopped rubbing and peered down into her face. "You dove deep again today, didn't you?"

"Sort of my job," she said, defending her actions. Cupping a hand over his hard jaw, she stroked his five o'clock shadow, hoping to ease his worry and added, "Jim's always with me, so please, relax." Slipping her arms around his neck, she laid her face over his thudding heart. "I never go alone anymore." The tension she felt in his body ran deep. This was about more than her stiff spine. He wasn't telling her something, something important.

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