Chapter Five

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>>Joe on the side 

*William's PovChapter Five -Turn Up!

My lil sis was being annoying, I had to admit that. She kept whining and asking me why she couldn't go to the party. I had to tell her several times this was an Adult party. 

"You aint that much olda than me!" She would say.

"Little girl. I am eighteen years old. You are twelve."


"So... this is a grown party."

"Whatever." She said, going into her room and slamming the door.

Even though, it was the weekend I didn't want her going out at all. I knew, Amina's sneaky behind would try and sneak some people over. Our crackheaded, prostitute of a Mother was probably out on the streets as it is. I wish I could shelter her from seeing our Mom like that. But, you can't save the world.

Anyways, I had Pac watching her. He thought as the lil girl as the sister he never had. I knew I could trust him in watching her, because his own little sister died about four years ago. She was probably about ten at the time anyways. So in a few weeks of this year she would be fourteen.

She died, because of gun violence. Ever since then Pac has become a changed man. He grew up quick, and sadly now he's the only child. As for his Mom and Pops, they died in a car crash. So now since Pac is alone, he messes around with all types of thots, in order to cover up his hurt.

I'm sure one day though, he'll find a girl right for him. He aint wanna go to the party, cause he said too many people that he hate was there, so he agreed to watch Amina's fast butt.

I slipped into a pair of true religion jeans, I had bought a few days ago. I wanted to look fresh and fly. I had recently gotten my haircut so, I aint have to worry about looking a hot mess.

I slipped on this black sweatshirt, with  the letters, 'dope' on the front. I slipped on my white sox, snapback and strapped up my Js.

I reached into the box, and grabbed my .45 calliber. The streets of Chicago can get crazy, and you had to be strapped up. If you wasn't, then you was a fool.

"Pac is coming over to watch you, so don't try to sneak nobody in." I warned Amina, as she poked her head out of her bedroom door.

"Ugh, why you gotta invite him."

"Shut up, you know deep down you like Pac."

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