
53 5 28

Word count: 1496



Being a lyricist wasn't exactly an easy thing. The hardest part about it was finding the inspiration. Once that was achieved, the writing part wasn't too difficult.

Well, that's how it worked with Min Yoongi. As the lyricist and producer for a vocal group, he didn't usually have trouble finding inspiration. As it was plucked out from his daily life, he could write easily.

But, for some reason, today was different. Maybe it was because was on vacation? Although, he still had to write the lyrics and send them to his boss to get it accepted. So, it couldn't really be called a vacation.

He was out traveling, up in a cold part of Korea– not exactly the most populated area.

But, he'd heard it was quite beautiful, especially in the winter when it snows. And, being a person interested in photography, he couldn't resist the perfect chance.

Tired of staying inside the warmth of the lodge and seeking inspiration, Yoongi slowly stepped down the wooden steps, white puffs appeared in the air as he breathed.

The cold breeze grazed his cheeks, feeling as if a knife was piercing him. But, rather than the pain, it was the icy coldness.

He lazily walked towards the forest, dragging his feet.

After a few minutes, he was surrounded by snowy trees. He would've somewhat panicked about being lost, but he had his trail that he could follow back.

Just with himself and the deafening sound of silence, his mind danced around with different thoughts.

From writing lyrics, to his music production, to his photography, to his parents, and to Jimin.

Park Jimin.

That boy had his special way of always making into Yoongi's brain.

Not even noticing a little grin that formed on his own face, Yoongi kept walking, deeper into the woods, just lost in thoughts of the charming boy.

It was almost as if the trees represented the thoughts of Jimin; Yoongi was surrounded by it, completely and utterly lost in them.

The boy's smile, just the way his eyes crinkled, Yoongi couldn't get enough of it.

With the thought of wanting to see it again, he was brought back to reality. His mind snapped out of his thoughts. He hadn't even realized he'd walked this far.

A strong cold wind blew, moving the branches and making some snow sprinkle on him. Feeling too warm with his hands inside his pockets, he didn't bother to dust it off. He was more interesting in the new scenery that was presented to him.

There was an opening, a small area with no any trees, and a depression.

Shrugging, Yoongi didn't hesitate to walk towards it. If he'd come this far, he didn't see how it would hurt if he went any further.

When he reached the point where the slope started, he was mesmerized to see quite a wonderful scene.

It was a pond. Completely ice on the surface. It was quite small, too.

Wondering if the frozen surface could hold his weight, he slid himself down the slope with his feet, arriving just at the circumference.

He tapped the ice with his foot a few times, testing it. And finally, he put his weight on the foot that he'd stepped on the ice with.

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