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I don't like writing what has already been written. I try to branch out in my topics and characters. So these one shots will try their best not to be cliche. I hope you don't mind. I realize these are out of many comfort zones. But I hope you do enjoy them. Also this is fluffy as shit. 

You drove at an unknown speed down a darkened highway, only illuminated by your headlights and the streetlamps. You had gotten into a heated argument with your boyfriend and needed to think.

I can't believe he'd never told me.

Your thoughts were all about him. Of course. What else would they be about.

Well how would he have brought that up in a conversation? Did you expect him to just say "Hey! I know this is weird but I'm a killer who haunts computers. No biggie!"

Your boyfriend was, in fact, BEN drowned. However you did not know the extent of that name and what horrors it carried with it.

You had met him on good terms, you working a night shift in a convienence store and him buying soda and chips. You had noticed his Zelda t-shirt and made small conversation. It was normal for you to converse with a customer while the register rung up their balance, but something seemed...off.
Not in a creepy way, either. He seemed more comfortable to talk to than other customers. Once he had left, you ended your shift.

Little did you know he would become a regular customer.
First it was once a week. Then twice. Three Times. Eventually he showed up every shift you had in the week.
You didn't mind. He was a joy to converse with and always had an interesting subject.
Sometimes he'd just walk in to talk. Always something bizarre like:

"So. Turtles. Extremely introverted or making a fashion statement?"
"Do you think wolves can actually dress up like a sheep or is that just a saying?"

He'd made you laugh on several occasions. Many more than several. After about a month of him constantly visiting your work place he'd gathered up courage to finally ask you on a date.

You two were inseparable ever since.

He's never hurt me. How can he be a killer? He's been so nice. It's been nearly six months! He hasn't hurt me or anyone I know, in fact I feel more safe around him. But now that I know this I'm not sure what I feel.

Your thoughts intruded at strange points as you cruised down the road. The music on the radio played softly as you drove under an empty overpass.

Nothing was okay anymore. You didn't even know how to describe what you were thinking. The thoughts were driving you insane.

I need answers I need answers I need-

Sudden silence filled the car. The radios presence, as quiet as it was, left the car.  You drove into a tunnel as static filled the car and even that too was interrupted by a voice.

The voice was that of your boyfriend. He who made you laugh and smile.
A killer...?

"(Y/n)... Talk to me."
You jumped and yelped in fear at the impossible sound of his voice. This could not be real.

"I know you can hear me. Please I know I should have told you. But I was so afraid you would... Well that you would do this." his voice saddened at the last sentence.

"Y-you can't be serious. I'm not hearing this. I can't be. There is no way you're-" you were interrupted by and urgent and challenging voice.
"What? That I'm a killer? That I'm talking to you through radio? That I can pass through technology? That I'm dead? The list goes on, (Y/N)"

You drove out of the tunnel. The Orange streetlights seemed blinding in your tears. You needed an answer.
"Why?" was all you managed to strangle out of your tears.
"Why what, (Y/n)?"
"Why am I still alive if you're a killer?"
There was a long pause.
"Pull your car over." was said after the deafening silence.

You were confused but complied anyway. As soon as you did you heard his voice in the seat next to you.
"I was trying to be... Normal?"
You jumped and tried to scream as what you saw was not the BEN you knew. He was more pale than before, and slightly more boney. But what shocked you the most were his eyes. Blood red iris' in a sea of onyx. The black substance that dripped from his eyes seemed to be like tears. You wanted to scream, You wanted to cry, but no sound would come out as tears fell in confusion and fear down your face.

"I'm so sorry. I know it's shocking and I really hate seeing you like this. But I wanted to be normal. I went into that store you worked at and you seemed so interesting."
"I never wanted you to find out this way. I never wanted you to find out at all. I would never hurt you. You know that. I...I think I really love you, (Y/n)"
You relaxed.

It's him. He won't hurt me. He never has.

You suddenly felt exhausted. Your eyes filled with tears for the last time that night, and you collapsed forward into his arms. You held tight as silent tears rolled down your cheeks. He stroked your hair and shushed you in a comforting way, hoping to calm you down.
As you lowered into a blissful sleep, you managed to say one sentence.
"I love you too"

And in the morning you'd woken up in your bed in your house with your boyfriend beside you. It would take a lot of getting used to, but you truly believed you could get used to it. To him.
And that's all the comfort you needed to rest your head back in his chest and sleep once more.

BEN drowned x reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora