You see, her aunt's husband had a particular interest in young girls. Her uncle was, as one might call, a pervert of the lowest kind. Needless to say Cassidy Harper had a very troubled relationship with her uncle as well. Starting into her first year of living with her aunt and uncle the child started having bizarre lapses into panic at random moments when no bodily danger was present. One of these, to her aunt's horror, occurred at a block party. A local psychiatrist that lived a few doors down from them proclaimed loudly, so that everyone attending could notice how clever he was, that this was clearly a panic attack.

At this point the child simply wanted to escape the spotlight that'd she'd been forcibly thrown into. These attacks had been happening quite often for the past few months, and when she'd approached her aunt with them, she dismissed the child as simply having a severe bout of the chills. As it was inconceivable to her aunt that anything out of the absolutely ordinary and unspoken moral standards that held up this community of the ridiculously snobbish.

However, when the psychiatrist present asked her aunt how long this had been going on, she replied with,

"Oh this is the first time! I've never seen anything like it...Panic attack you say? Absolutely dreadful." The psychiatrist insisted on having a personal session with Cassidy the very next day, for a reduced fee. The child in question was at this moment, very shaken and exhausted, and didn't particularly want to meet with this strange man at any point in time to discuss anything. But none the less the next day her aunt, very grumpily, dressed her in her best and prepared to take her to the psychiatrist's office.

"Melody dear, why don't I take her? I need to go into town anyway, and you seem awfully distressed. Why don't you stay inside and take it easy today?"

"Oh Peter, you would do that? Thank you very much, here is the address." She handed her husband a slip of paper. Looking at Cassidy with a sour expression. "And now you miss, have caused enough trouble. Don't say anything that would lead Dr. Quincy to think that you've had anything but an absolutely lovely time living here. I suspect that this will all be cleared up when you discuss your parents. I have no doubt these panic attacks are just a set of bad genes, and all will be fixed soon."

Sitting in the car with her uncle made Cassidy extremely nervous. She didn't really understand much of what was going on, but it looked to be all her fault. Cassidy worried that her uncle would get angry or hurt her. But all they did was sit in heavy silence until they pulled into a nearly deserted parking deck. Hands white on the steering wheel, Cassidy was certain that her uncle was scared, and if that was true that meant that she was definitely going to be in trouble.

"Listen to me Cass," Cassidy flinched when he used that nickname, the one he only used when they were alone. "Don't...don't tell the doctor anything about what we do together. It's private and if you tell him then I will get very angry. So no matter what kind of question he asks, don't say anything about it or I'll beat you. I swear I will." Her uncle had never threatened to beat her like this. Yeah he had hurt her, but he'd never said he was going to beat her. The thought terrified Cassidy and she nodded in agreement without question.

Relaxing a bit, her uncle lead her to the doctor's office. Leaving her in the waiting room he explained to the receptionist who she was and that he had to run an errand for a bit. As he left he shot a icy glare in her direction that made her shiver.

Eventually the psychologist from last night came to her and knelt down to her level.

"Hello Cassidy, I'm Dr. Quincy. We met yesterday, if you remember?" His sickly sweet smile made Cassidy uncomfortable, but she nodded quickly and looked down. "I'm here to help you Cassidy, alright? This is a safe place where you can talk about anything without fear. Let's go to my office, shall we?" His office was posh and well kept. The shelves were full of books and he directed Cassidy to one of the particularly comfortable looking chairs. Sitting opposite to Cassidy Dr. Quincy flashed a smile.

The Dreadful Story of Cassidy Harper *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora