The new student

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Emily's P.O.V. (point of view)

"Emily!" my mom shouts. "Hurry up! You are going to be late."

"I'm coming," I yell back.It's the first day of junior year. I go to Cliffview High. I have four best friends: Sarah, Cassie(short for Cassandra), Luke, and James. I also have a twin brother, Blake. I finish putting my hair into a messy bun and rush downstairs. I find my brother waiting impatiently at the door. I quickly slip on my favorite pair of black converse and grab an apple before kissing my mother on the cheek. "Bye Mom. See you tonight." I follow my brother out to his car.

"Took you long enough," my brother says grumpily as he starts the car.

"It's not my fault my alarm didn't go off," I huff out. I have to ride with my brother because I don't have a car. Most of the time Blake can take me to school, but it's only a fifteen minute walk from our house to school so it's not a big deal if he can't. My brother doesn't say anything back so I just turn up the radio.

As soon as we arrive at school, I say goodbye to my brother and heade towards my friends who are standing by our tree. "Our tree" is the tree that we meet up at every morning. When Sarah sees me, she immediately rushes over to me and starts squealing.

"Calm down woman," I say as I continue to walk towards the rest of our friend.

"Did you here?" Sarah says as she walks beside me.

"Hear what?"

"There's a new student coming! His name is Hunter and I've heard he is hot." she exclaims. I just roll my eyes. Sarah has always been a little boy crazy even in middle school. When I reach the others I hug Cassie and the boys.

"I can't believe summer is over already," groans Luke.

"I know! I went way too fast this year," Cassie agrees.

"You say that every year Cas," I reply.

"I do not." I simply raise my eyebrow. "Okay," she sighs, "maybe I do, but it's true every year." I just chuckle as we head toward the front door.

"I'll see you guys later, I have to head to my locker to drop some things off." I say walking off down the hallway. As I walk passed the office, the principal calls to me.

"Emily, dear, would you come here for a minute." I nod and walk into the office. Standing next to the pricipal is someone I've never seen before. Maybe he is the new student Sarah was talking about. He had brown hair, dark blue eyes scattered with streaks of light blue, and was about six foot tall. "Emily this is Hunter. He is new here. I would like you to show him around. Is that ok?"

"Sure Principal McNeal." I say. She simpply smiles and ushers us out. We stand out side of the closed office door for a few seconds in awkward silence. "Can I see your schedule and locker number?" I ask nervously. I am not the most sociable person at school. My friends and I tend to just stick to ourselves.

"Sure," he replies then goes searching through his backpack for the papers. I take this time to study him. He is slightly tanned. He is wearing a tight fitting white t-shirt, dark wash jeans, a leather jacket, and black converse. Through his shirt you can see he has abs. He definitely looked like the bad boy type.

Suddenly someone snaps their fingers in front of my face breaking my train of thouht. "A picture will last longer babe." he say while smirking.

I scoff and grab the sheets he is holding from his hands and mumble, "Idiot."

"Can you repeat that, I didn't hear you," he says smugly.

"I said you are an idiot." I respond as I start walking him to his locker. He follows behind silently. Once we get there he puts his stuff in his locker and I take him to his first period. I hand him his schedule back. "Here's your first period," I say as I walk off.

"Wait." I turn back around to look at him smirking. "Don't I get a goodbye babe."

"Don't call me babe and find someone else you show you around." I say winking as I swivel back around and saunter off to my first class.

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